
Primary sources

Sayyid Qutb: Milestones. Or in Norwegian: Qutb, Sayyid (2004): Milep?ler. Oslo: L.S.P. forlag (120 pages)

Khomeini: Islamic government (94 pages)

Qaradawi: Islamic Awakening (chs 2-3, 105 pages)

Kurzman, Charles, ed. Modernist Islam, 1840-1940: A Sourcebook. Oxford?; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, chapters 3 and 6 (19 pages)

Euben, Roxanne Leslie, and Muhammad Qasim Zaman. Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought: Texts and Contexts from Al-Banna to Bin Laden. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009, chapters 2 and 18 (al-Banna and bin Ladin, 63 pages)

Secondary sources

Lauzière, Henri. The Making of Salafism: Islamic Reform in the Twentieth Century. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.

Ismail, Salwa. “Confronting the Other: Identity, Culture, Politics, and Conservative Islamism in Egypt.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 30, no. 2 (May 1998): 199–225 (26 pages). doi:10.1017/S0020743800065879.

Hegghammer, Thomas. “The Rise of Muslim Foreign Fighters: Islam and the Globalization of Jihad.” International Security 35, no. 3 (2010): 53–94 (41 pages). (jihadism)

Denoeux, Guilain. “The Forgotten Swamp: Navigating Political Islam.” Middle East Policy 9, no. 2 (June 2002): 56–81 (25 pages)

Kr?mer, Gudrun 2013. “Modern but Not Secular: Religion, Identity and the Ordre Public in the Arab Middle East.” International Sociology 28(6): 629–644. (25 pages)

Al-Azmeh, Aziz. Islams and Modernities. London: Verso, 1996, chapter 4, ?Islamism and the Arabs” (20 pages)

Bayat, A. 2007. “Islamism and the Politics of Fun.” Public Culture 19(3):433–59.

150 pages self-chosen curriculum, for term paper.

Suggested additional reading (available in UBO in hard copy or digitally)

Abrahamian, Ervand. Khomeinism: Essays on the Islamic Republic. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Calvert, John. Sayyid Qutb and the Origins of Radical Islamism. Columbia University Press, 2010.

Euben, Roxanne Leslie. Enemy in the Mirror: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Limits of Modern Rationalism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999.

Haykel, Bernard. “On the Nature of Salafi Thought and Action.” In Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement, by Roel Meijer, 33–51. London: Hurst & Company, 2009.

Hegghammer, Thomas. “Jihadi Salafis or Revolutionaries: On Religion and Politics in the Study of Islamist Militancy.” In Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement, edited by Roel Meijer, 244–66. London: Hurst & Company, 2009.

H?igilt, Jacob, and Frida Nome. “Egyptian Salafism in Revolution.” Journal of Islamic Studies 25, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 33–54. doi:10.1093/jis/ett056.

Hroub, Khaled, ed. Political Islam: Context Versus Ideology. Saqi Books, 2011.

International Crisis Group (2005) Understanding Islamism. Available at:

“Islamism in the IS Age.” Project on Middle East Political Science, 2015.

Kepel, Gilles. The Prophet and Pharaoh?: Muslim Extremism in Egypt / Gilles Kepel?; Translated by Jon Rothschild. London?: Al Saqi Books?: Distributed by Zed Books, 1985.

Lacroix, Stéphane. “Sheikhs and Politicians: Inside the New Egyptian Salafism.” Brookings institution, June 2012.

Meijer, Roel. Global Salafism: Islam?s New Religious Movement. London: Hurst & Company, 2009.

Shehata, Samer, and Joshua Stacher. “The Brotherhood Goes to Parliament.” Middle East Report Online, 2006.

Utvik, Bj?rn Olav. “The Ikhwanization of the Salafis: Piety in the Politics of Egypt and Kuwait.” Middle East Critique 23, no. 1 (2014): 5–27. doi:10.1080/19436149.2014.896597.

Utvik, Bj?rn Olav. ?The Modernizing Force of Islamism.? In Esposito and Burgat (eds.): Modernizing Islam. London: Hurst & Company, 2003, pp. 43–67.

Published Oct. 20, 2016 11:09 AM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2017 10:32 AM