
Week 1 Introduction: What is an intellectual? What does the historical and sociological study of intellectuals take as its object? What is a Turkish intellectual?

Hamid Dabashi, “Can non-Europeans Think?” (from Al Jazeera) [5]

Kurzman, Charles, and Lynn Owens. 2002. “The Sociology of Intellectuals.” Annual Review of Sociology 28: 63–90. [27]

Keddie, Nikki R. “Intellectuals in the Modern Middle East.” Daedalus 10, no. 3 (1972): 39–57. [18]

2. The “organic intellectuals” of the early Turkish Republic

Gramsci, Antonio. Selections from the Prison Notebooks. New York: International Publishers, 1971, pp. 3-43. [Digital copy available] [40]

Kayal?, Kurtulu?. Türk Dü?ünce Dünyas?nda Yol ?zleri. Istanbul: ?leti?im, 2001. [Ca. 30 pages; digital copy available]

Kurtulu? Kayal?: “Türk Dü?üncesi ?eviri kokuyor” (interview), from Anlay??, May 2006 [Digital copy available]. [7]

3. The state founder as intellectual

“Shils, Edward. 1960. “The Intellectuals in the Political Development of the New States.” World Politics 12(3): 329–68. [39]

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal: Speech given at the Konya Sultani Mektebi, March 22, 1923 (from Atatürk'ün Bütün Eserleri, vol. 15; digital copy available). [4]

Hanio?lu, M. Sükrü. Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011. [Chapter 6, pp. 129-159] [30]

4. Poets as intellectuals

Blasing, Mutlu Konuk. “Naz?m Hikmet and Esra Pound: ‘To Confess Wrong without Losing Rightness.’” Journal of Modern Literature 33, no. 2 (2010): 1–23. [22]

G?ksü, Saime, and Edward Timms. Romantic Communist: The Life and Work of Naz?m Hikmet. London: Hurst & Company, 1999. [Chapters 2 and 3, 16-72; digital copy available] [56]

Selections from Naz?m Hikmet, Memleketimden ?nsan Manzaralar?. [TBA]

Singer, Sean R. 2013. “Erdo?an’s Muse. The School of Necip Fazil K?sakurek.”World Affairs, November 1. [8]

K?sakurek, Necip Fazil: selected articles from Büyük Do?u. [Ca. 5 pages; digital copy available]

5. The ?specific? intellectual: Jurists of the single-party state

Deleuze, Gilles, and Michel Foucault. “Intellectuals and Power.” In Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, edited by D. F. Bouchard. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977. [Digital copy available] [12]

Onar, S?dd?k Sami. 1933. “Bizde Cemiyet Fikri ve Hayati Ni?in ?nki?af Edemiyor?”Mülkiye Mecmuas? (22): 3–7. [5]

Ba?gil, Ali Fuad. 1936. “Kanunun h?kimiyeti prensibi.” ?zmir Barosu Dergisi 2(1-5): 63–75. [12]

6. Religion and science in the modern state

Mardin, Religion and Social Change in Modern Turkey, Introduction [Digital copy available]. [21]

Eickelman, Dale F. 1999. “Qur’anic Commentary, Public Space, and Religious Intellectuals in the Writings of Said Nursi.” The Muslim World 89 (3-4): 260-269. [9]

Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur [Excerpts; available online]

Guida, Michelangelo. “A ‘Communist and Muslim’ Poet in Contemporary Turkey: The Works of ?smet ?zel.” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 41, no. 1 (2014): 117–31. [14]

?zel, ?smet. Zor Zamanda Konu?mak. Istanbul: Dergah Yay?nlar?, 1984. [Chapter 5, “Rattus Norvegicus”, pp. 177-235; digital copy available.] [58]

7. The “Hearth of Intellectuals”

Cetinsaya, G?khan. “Rethinking Nationalism and Islam: Some Preliminary Notes on the Roots of ‘Turkish-Islamic Synthesis’ in Modern Turkish Political Thought.” The Muslim World 89, no. 3–4 (1999): 350–76. [26]

Selections from Turan, Osman, Türk Cihan Hakimiyeti Mefkuresi, 1979. [pp. 37-69; digital copy available] [32]

8. The post-post colonial intellectual I: Orhan Pamuk

Excerpts from G?knar, Erda?. Orhan Pamuk, Secularism and Blasphemy: The Politics of the Turkish Novel. London: Routledge, 2013., 1-87; 210-240. [Purchase from Akademika] [117]

Pamuk, Orhan. Saf ve Dü?ünceli Romanc?. Istanbul: ?leti?im, 2011. [Chapter 2; digital copy available]

9. The post-post-colonial intellectual II: Ahmet Davuto?lu

Morrison, Scott. 2014. “Muslim Selvsverst?ndnis: Ahmet Davuto?lu Answers Husserl’s Crisis of European Sciences.” Muslim World 104(1-2): 150–70. [20]

K?van?, ?mit. Pan-?slamc?n?n Macera K?lavuzu. Istanbul: ?leti?im Yay?nlar?, 2015.[pp. 11-22; digital copy available] [11]

Davuto?lu, Ahmet. Stratejik Derinlik. Istanbul: Küre, 2001. [Excerpts; digital copy available] [65-95] [30]

[Total : ca. 700 pages]

10 : Final paper presentations and discussion

Published Nov. 26, 2015 2:00 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2015 2:00 PM