Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
06.09.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Overview of course. Viking periodisation and geography ? Weeks 36-39. Part 1: Styles and chronology

Roesdahl and Wilson 1992?

13.09.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Styles of ornament: terms and problems. EVP: Salin Style III and the Oseberg style ? Wilson 2001; Roesdahl 1994; Müller-Wille 2001; Fevele and Jensen 2000?
20.09.2006Signe Fuglesang? Viking Ship Museum, Bygd?y. Meet in the entrance hall 10.15.? ? NB! Excursion to the Viking Ship Museum, Bygd?y. Meet in the entrance hall 10.15.

Bus no. 30 from the National Theatre leaves 07, 22, 37 and 52 minutes past every hour.?

27.09.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Mid-viking art: Borre style, Jelling style. Relations to European art? Wilson 2001; Fuglesang 1986; Graham-Campbell 1998; Wamers 1998; Wilson 1983?
04.10.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00 ? Late viking art: Mammen style, Ringerike style, Urnes style. Relations to European art? Fuglesang 2001; Fuglesang 1984; Roesdahl 1998; Owen 2001?
11.10.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Copying and creativity: gold, silver, and the transformation of European models? Weeks 40–43. Part 2: Metalwork

Handouts; Fuglesang 2006?

18.10.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Copying and mass-production: casting, gilding, and indigenous models? Jansson 1981; Fuglesang 1987; Duzcko 1985; Pedersen 1996–7?
25.10.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Fine metalwork as indicator of settlement abroad? Graham-Campbell 1995; Graham-Campbell 1998; Stalsberg 1988?
01.11.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Early viking iconography: monuments and picture poems? Weeks 44–47. Part 3: Monuments and iconography


08.11.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Late viking runestones: possibilities and problems ? Wilson 1983; Fuglesang 1998; Jansson 1987; Gr?slund 1987; Gr?slund 1984?
15.11.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? Late viking iconography ? Margeson 1980; Margeson 1983; S?rensen 1986?
22.11.2006Signe Fuglesang? Blindernveien 11, room 1, Wednesday 10.15–12.00? The advent of Christianity: architecture and ornament? Handouts; Harket and Fuglesang 2001

1 December 2006: Portfolio papers to be submitted at the desk in Blindernveien 11?

Published July 28, 2006 3:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2006 3:44 PM