MAS2303 / 4303 VINLAND – …


Dear students at MAS2303 / 4303 Vinland

1. NEW ROOM As we all experienced last Wednesday, the lecture room ’Seminar Rom 7’ in Sophus Bugge had none of the audio-visual equipment needed for this course.

Our study coordinator Ragnhild Kul?y has been scanning the campus for an alternative room with decent equipment. She has found one room which we will use as of Wednesday February 3rd (NOTE THE DATE).

The room is a bit of a walk from Sophus Bugge, but it is supposedly fully equipped. It is located at whet is called ‘Nedre Blindern’ – i.e. the older part of the campus, on the lower side of the road Blindernveien

It is in the building called Fysikkbygget = The Physics Building – see the U. Oslo campus map at /om/finn-fram/zoom/bl24.html

The room is called “Lille fysiske auditorium vest” (see indicator at ground-floor), and has room number V232.

Enter the ‘Fysikkbygget’ through the main entrance (front) Turn RIGHT and walk some 20 meters Find a marble staircase on your left, and climb it (one floor only) Exit the staircase and turn left Walk down corridor Room V232 on your right hand side

2. CHANGE OF TIME In the teaching-plan, our next lecture is listed at Wednesday January 27. Yesterday I was told to go to the hospital for 24 hours on exactly this Wednesday. Urgent but not dangerous, just a change of battery on my pace-maker. However, I need to cancel that particular lecture.

We will proceed as planned on Wednesday February 3rd, at 1215 – 1400 hours. The lecture numbers will be shifted accordingly, i.e. I will start with lecture A1 a week later than planned.

And of course we will finish one week later than planned, on April 14th.

3. CONTACT I can of course be contacted on the present e-mail address, and will in most cases respond within a few hours. You may also contact me by mobile phone, 90 76 77 14. And easy way is to text me.

I am sorry about the inconvenience but look forward to seeing you all in class.

Christian Keller

. If you are at the University bookstore, or the University library (big black thing) you simply walk downhill, cross over the only real road with real cars on it, and you will face the Physhics Building, flanked by two smaller buildings, all in red brick. Enter the Physics through the main entrance (Front, Center)

MAS2303/4303: lille fysiske aud vest (fysikkbygget - plass til 66)

Published Jan. 25, 2010 12:19 PM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2010 12:19 PM