
Most of the literature will be available in compendiums. The book The Vinland Sagas is for sale in Akademika.


The Vinland Sagas. The Norse Discovery of America. Gr?nlendinga saga and Eirik’s saga. Translated with an introduction by Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson. Penguin Books 1965.

Essential: Introduction Pp 7-43, 36 pages

Gr?nlendinga saga Pp 49-72, 23 pages

Eirik’s saga Pp 75-105, 30 pages

Part A The Fortunate Isles and the Icelandic sagas

Adam of Bremen. English Edition. Scholia on Vinland

?ri fró?i The book of Icelanders

Brendan The voyage of saint Brendan: Journey to the Promised Land. Navigation Sancti Brendani Abbatis, Translated with and introduction by John J. O’Meara. Dolmen Texts 1. The Dolmen Press 1982. 84 pages (small)

Bruun, Daniel 1918 The Icelandic Colonization of Greenland and the Finding of Víneland. Copenhagen Pp 51-72 (The actual number of pages is only 14, as a number of indifferent pictures have been removed from the copy)

Halldórsson, ?lafur 2001: The Vinland Sagas. Pp 39-50 in: Andrew Wawn and ?órunn Sigur?ardóttir (ed.s): Approaches to Vínland. Sigur?ur Nordal Institute. Reykjavík. 11 pages

Konstam, Angus 2005 Historical Atlas of the Viking World. Mercury Books, London. Pp100-111, 11 pages

Nansen, Fridtjof1911 In Northern Mists. Vol. I. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company. Essential: Chapter V: The awakening of medieval knowledge. King Alfred, Ottar, Adam of Bremen Vol. I Pp 168-202, 34 pages

Chapter IX: Wineland the good, the Fortunate Isles, and the discovery of America Vol. I Pp 312-384, 72 pages SUM 117 pages

Interesting: Chapter IV The Early Middle Ages, Vol. I Pp 125-167, 42 pages

Thomas O’Loughlin 1999 ‘Distant Islands: The Topography of the Holiness in the Nauivatio Sancti Brendani’ in: Marion Glascoe (ed.): The Medieval Mystical Tradition: England, Ireland. Wales (Woodbridge 1999), Pp 1-20.

Thomas O’Loughlin 2000a Journeys on the Edges. The Celtic Tradition. Traditions of Christian Spirituality Series. Orbis Books, New York. Essential: Introduction Pp 15-17, 3 pages

Chapter 1. Is there a Celtic Spirituality? Pp 19-33, 14 pages

Chapter 5. Journeys of Faith. Pp 80-98, 19 pages SUM 36 pages

Interesting: Chapter 2. A Walk in Two Worlds + Chapter 3. Living on the Fringes Pp 34-63, 30 pages

Thomas O’Loughlin 2000b Celtic Theology. Humanity, World and God in Early Irish Writings. Continuum, London & New York Essential: Barrind’s island in the Nauigatio Sancti Brendani Pp 193-196, 4 pages

Interesting: Chapter 10 (including Nauigatio above) Pp 185-202, 17 pages

Part B Vikings in Canada

Ingstad, Anne Stine 1977 The Discovery of a Norse Settlement in America. Excavations at L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland 1961-1968. Universitetsforlaget (Norwegian University Press) Oslo – Bergen – Troms? Introduction Pp 21-24. Newfoundland in Prehistoric Times House A Pp 131-167. Conclusion Pp 233-245. Sum 55 pages


The following papers are all in William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 2000

Cox, Steven L. 2000 A Norse Penny from Maine. Pp 206-207 Odess, Daniel, Stephen Loring, and William W. Fitzhugh 2000: Skraeling: First Peoples of Hellduland, Markland, and Vinland. Pp 193-205 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 2 pages

McNaughton, Douglas 2000. A World in Transition. Early Cartography of the North Atlantic. Pp 257-269 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 13 pages

Odess, Daniel, Stephen Loring, and William W. Fitzhugh 2000: Skraeling: First Peoples of Hellduland, Markland, and Vinland. Pp 193-205 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 14 pages

Schledermann, Peter 2000: Introduction. A.D. 1000: East meets West. Pp 189-192 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 4 pages

Schmith, Kevin P. 2000 Who Lived at L’Anse aux Meadows? P 217 Odess, Daniel, Stephen Loring, and William W. Fitzhugh 2000: Skraeling: First Peoples of Hellduland, Markland, and Vinland. Pp 193-205 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 1 page

Schledermann, Peter 2000 Ellesmere. Vikings in the Far North. Pp 248-256 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 9 pages

Seaver, Kirsten A. 2000 Unanswered Questions. Pp 270-279 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 10 pages

Sigur?sson, Gísli 2000a An Introduction to the Vinland Sagas. Pp 218-224 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 7 pages

Odess, Daniel, Stephen Loring, and William W. Fitzhugh 2000: Skraeling: First Peoples of Hellduland, Markland, and Vinland. Pp 193-205 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 13 pages

Sutherland, Patricia D. 2000 The Norse and native North Americans. Pp 238-247 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 9 pages

Wahlgren, Erik 1986 The Vikings and America. Thames & Hudson, London. Pages 121-167, 47 pages

Wallace, Birgitta Linderoth 2000a The Viking Settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows. Pp 208-216 Odess, Daniel, Stephen Loring, and William W. Fitzhugh 2000: Skraeling: First Peoples of Helluland, Markland, and Vinland. Pp 193-205 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 9 pages

Wallace, Birgitta Linderoth 2000b An Archaeologist’s Interpretation of the Vinland Sagas Pp 225-231 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 11 pages

Part C The historiography of Vinland

Bj?rnsdóttir, Inga Dóra 1999 Leifr Eiríksson versus Christopher Columbus: The Use of Leifr Eiríksson in American Political and Cultural Discourse. Pp 220-226 in: Andrew Wawn and ?órunn Sigur?ardóttir (ed.s): Approaches to Vínland. A Conference on the written and archaeological sources for the Norse ettlements in the North-Atlantic region and exploration of America. The Nordic House, Reykjavík 9-11 August 1999. Sigur?ur Nordal Institute. Reykjavík 7 pages

Blegen, Theodore C. 1968 The Kensington Rune Stone. New Light on and Old Riddle. Minnesota Historical Society. St. Paul Pp 19-91, 72 pages

Landsverk, O.G. 1969 Ancient Norse Messages on American Stones. Norseman Press, 1480 Millar Drive, Glendale, California 91206. Sponsor: The Landsverk Foundation. Pp 6-20. 17 pages

McNaughton, Douglas 2000 A World in Transition. Early Cartography of the North Atlantic. Pp 257-269 in: William W. Fitzhugh & Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): The North Atlantic Saga. Published by Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London, in association with the National Museum of Natural History. 13 pages

Seaver, Kirsten A. 2004 Maps, Myths and Men. The Story of the Vínland Map. Stanford University Press. Stanford, California

Chapter 1 An American Place Named Vínland Pp 1-18. Chapter 5 A Star is Born Pp 144-163. Chapter 8 The Vínland Map as a Narrative Pp 256-296. Sum: 89 pages

Wahlgren, Erik 1986 The Vikings and America. Thames & Hudson, London. Pages 98-120, 23 pages

Wolf, Kirsten 2001 The Recovery of Vínland in Western Icelandic Literature. Pp 207-219 in: Andrew Wawn and ?órunn Sigur?ardóttir (ed.s): Approaches to Vínland. A Conference on the written and archaeological sources for the Norse ettlements in the North-Atlantic region and exploration of America. The Nordic House, Reykjavík 9-11 August 1999. Sigur?ur Nordal Institute. Reykjavík 13 pages

TOTAL 859 pages

Extra resources for seminars etc.

Ingstad, Anne Stine 1977 The Discovery of a Norse Settlement in America. Excavations at L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland 1961-1968. Universitetsforlaget (Norwegian University Press) Oslo – Bergen – Troms? Interpretations of houses… Pages 167-232, 66 pages

Part 3 The Historiography of Vínland Gwyn Jones: The Conquest of the North Atlantic


The Vinland Sagas (see introduction). Notes on the translations Pp 45-46, 2 pages. List of proper names Pp 106-118, 12 pages

Reference works

Holy Bible. Authorized King James Version. For instance Oxford University Press

Some key references:

Genesis 2:8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

Genesis 28:17 And he was afraid, and said, Howe dreadful is this place; and I know it not.

Revelations 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Revelations 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

Published Apr. 24, 2007 6:59 PM - Last modified June 14, 2007 9:09 PM