Anderson, Benedict. Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism, London: Verso 1983 (eller senere). 204 s.
Asad, Talal: Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. California: Stanford University Press 2003, 21-66.
Bauman, Zygmunt. Culture as Praxis. “Introduction” og “Culture as Concept”. London: Sage 1993, vii – iv og 1-46.
Chatterjee, Partha. The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Post Colonial Histories. New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1993, 273 s.
Eriksen, Anne. Topografenes verden: fornminner og fortidsforst?else, Oslo: Pax 2007, 1-167
Jordheim, Helge. The Semantics of Civilization and Civility in Scandinavia (kommer, ligger i Fronter)
Neumann, Iver B. Norge, En Kritikk: Begrepsmakt i Europa-debatten. Oslo: Pax, 2001. 205 s.
Ramaswamy, Sumathi. “Maps and Mother Goddesses in Modern India.” Imago Mundi, Vol. 53 (2001), 97-114
Said, Edward. "Representing the Colonized: Anthropology’s Interlocutors." Reflections on Exile and Other Essays,Cambridge, Mass.: HUP 2000, 293-316
--. Freud and the Non-European, London: Verso 2003. 42 s. (finnes ogs? i norsk oversettelse)
Scott, Joan. Politics of the Veil, Princeton, N.J.: PUP 2007, 208 s.
S?rensen, ?ystein og Str?th, Bo. "Introduction." The Cultural Construction of Norden, Oslo: UF 1997, 1-24.