Pensum v?r 2016
Pensumlisten kan bli endret f?r semesterstart.
Barthes, Roland 1915-1980, and Stephen Heath. 1977. Image, Music, Text. New York: Hill and Wang. 15-53
*Benjamin, Walter 1892-1940. 1999. “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” In , S. 61–71. London: Sage?: in association with The Open Univeristy.
Burke, Peter. 2001. Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence. London: Reaktion Books., pages 9-34, 123-140 (42 s.)
Damsholt, Tine. Dorthe G. Simonsen og Camilla Mordhorst. 2009. Materialiseringer. S.9-34 (25s)
*Daston, Lorraine: Things that talk. Object Lessons from Art and Science. S.9-24 og 223-254 (37s)
Gosden, Chris og Yvonne Marshall 1999: The cultural biography of objects i World Archaeology (9s)
Katzew, Ilona. 2004. Casta Painting. New Haven og London, Yale University Press (200s)
Edwards, Elizabeth og Janice Hart 2004. ”Introduction. Photographs as objects” i Edwards og Hart: Photographs, Objects, Histories: On the Materiality of Images. Florence, KY, USA. S.1-15 (15s)
Edwards, Elizabeth 2014. “Photographic Uncertainties: Between Evidence and Reassurance” i History and Anthropology s. 171-185 (15s) tilgjengelig:
Gaudio, Michael. 2008. Engraving the Savage: The New World and Techniques of Civilization. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press. Introduction, Chapter 1, (54 s.)
*Latour, Bruno 1999. Pandoras Hope, kap 2. Circulating reference, s. 24-79 (55s)
*Latour, Bruno. 1986. “Visualisation and Cognition: Drawing Things Together.” Knowledge and Society Studies in the Sociology of Culture Past and Present 6: 1–40.
*Latour, Bruno. On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods, s. 1-67 (67 s.)
Mayer, Ruth 2007. "Virus Discourse: The Rhetoric of Threat and Terrorism in the Biothriller" i Cultural Critique 66, s.1-20.
Mitchell, W. J. T. 1984. “What Is an Image?” New Literary History 15 (3): 503–37. doi:10.2307/468718.
Mitchell, W.J.T. 1996. “What Do Pictures ‘Really’ Want?” October 77 (July): 71–82. doi:10.2307/778960.
*Mittman, Asa S. og Peter J.Dendle 2012. The Ashgate research companion to monsters and the monstrous. Farnham, Ashgate. S.1—16, 275-290, 437-448
*Rudwick, Martin J.S. 2005. Bursting the Limits of Time. The Reconstruction of Geohistory in the Age of Revolution. Introduction s. 1-11 og kap.7 s.349-415 (75s)
*Ruud, Lise Camilla 2013. Doing Museum Objects. Phd-avhandling, UiO. s.12-38, 125-130, 200-208
*Ruud, Lise Camilla 2014. 'There is not one single thing that resembles this one.." i Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies (7s)
Saunders, Nicholas J 1999. Biographies of brilliance: Pearls, transformations of matter and being, c. AD 1492 (14s)
Str?mberg, Fredrik 2011. "Yo, rag-head!": Arab and Muslim superheroes in American Comic Books after 9/11" i Amerikastudien/American Studies, vol.56, no 4. American Comic Books and Graphic Novels., s.573-601.