
Merk at det kan komme endringer i leselisten


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Noyes, Dorothy 2009. Three Traditions. I: Journal of Folklore Research, vol 46/3

Oring, Elliott 2008.  Legendry and the Rhetoric of Truth.  The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 121, No. 480 (Spring, 2008), pp. 127-166. Fulltekst

??Teverson, Andrew 2013. Fairy Tale. Routledge.

??demark, John 2017. Timing indigenous culture and religion – tales of conversion and ecological salvation from the Amazon. Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion. ISSN 1874-6691.

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Oppslagsverk: Meister, J. C. 2013: Narratology. In: The living handbook of narratology. DeGruyter


Publisert 29. nov. 2016 11:11 - Sist endret 15. des. 2016 15:29