Leselisten er retingsgivende for kunnskapen som studentene forventes ? tilegne seg i l?pet av studiet
Alberti, Samuel J.M.M.: Objects and Museum i: ISIS, 2005, 96: 559-571, 12 s.
Bennett, Tony: "Pedagogic Objects, Clean Eyes, and Popular Instruction: On Sensory Regimes and Museum Didactics" i Configurations, 1998. s. 345-371, 26 sider. PDF.
Duncan, Carol: "Art Museums and the Ritual of Citizenship" i Ivan Karp og Steven D. Lavine: Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1991. s. 88-103.
Einarsen, Hans Philip: "Mellom undringshjem og kamparenaer - museer og den flerkulturelle virkeligheten". Oslo: ABM-utvikling 2005. Fulltekst44 s.
Hammarlund-Larsson, Cecilia: Nordiska museets samlingar - Brokiga samlingars bostad, 2007 . 13 s. Kontinuitet och f?rnyelse. Om museets s?tt att samla.
Henning, Michelle: Museums, Media and Cultural Theory, Berkshire: Open University Press 2006, 183 s.
Kasfir, Sidney Littlefield 1992: "African Art and Authenticity: A Text with a Shadow", African Arts 22(2):40-53 . Finnes elektronisk.
Maurstad, Anita og Marit Anne Hauan (red): Museologi p? Norsk. Universitetsmuseenes gj?ren, Akademika 2012 237s .
Naguib, Saphinaz-Amal: Reconciling History and Memory at the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration in Paris. , i Changes in museum practice : new media, refugees and participation / edited by Hanne-Lovise Skartveit and Katherine Goodnow, 2010. New York and Oxford. 13 s.
Poulter, Emma K 2011: The real thing? Souvenir objects in the West African collections at the Manchester Museum, Journal of Material Culture 16(3):265-284. Finnes elektronisk.
Rogan, Bjarne: Branly - postkolonialt eller nykolonialt museum?, 2008. Del 1 (pdf). Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 4, s 85-94.
Rogan, Bjarne: Branly - postkolonialt eller nykolonialt museum?, 2008. Del 2 (pdf). Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 4, s 95-98.
Rogan, Bjarne og Arne Bugge Amundsen (red): Samling og museum. Kapitler av museenes historie, praksis og ideologi, 2010. Novus Forlag, ca 400s.
Sandell, Richard: ?Museums as Agents of Social Inclusion? i: Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1998, s. 401–418, 17 s.
Thorsen, Liv Emma: Elephants are not picked from trees. Animal Biographies in Gothenburg Natural History Museum. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus. 256 s.
Wonders, Karen: "Habitat Dioramas. Illusions of Wilderness in Museums of Natural History" i Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 25, 1993. s. 9-105. 94 sider.
I kompendium:
*Bal, Mieke: "Exhibition as film" i Sharon Macdonald and Paul Basu (eds): Exhibition experiences, 2007. s 71-79, 8s.
* Classen, Constance og David Howes: "The Museum as Sensescape. Western Sensibilities and Indigenious Artefacts" i Elisabeth Edwards, Chris Gosden og Ruth Phillips (red): Making Senses, Oxford: Berg. s. 1-16. 16 sider.
* Giebelhausen, Michaela: "The Architecture is the museum": i: Janet Marstein (red.): New Museum theory and Practice, Malden: Blackwell Publishing 2006: 41-63, 22 s.
* Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara: "Objects of Ethnography" in Ivan Karp og Steven D.Lavine: Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museums Display, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press 1991: 386-444, 58 s.
* Mordhorst, Camilla: "Medical Use and Material Matters. Rhinoceros Horn as Museum Object" i Ethnologia Scandinavica, 2003. s. 84-99. 15 sider.
* Pedersen, Ragnar: "Anders Sandvigs museumssyn – verdier og idéer" i Arnfinn Engen (red): Maihaugen 100 ?r – evig ung, 2004. s.11- 33. 22 sider.
* S?rlin, Sverker: " Artur Hazelius och det nationella arvet " i Hans Medilius, Bengt Nystr?m og Elisabet Stavenow-Hidemark: Nordiska museet under 125 ?r, 1998. Nordiska museets f?rlag: Stockholm. s. 16-40. 24 sider.
Obs! Kompendiet selges i Kopiutsalget hos Akademika. For ? handle i Kopiutsalget m? gyldig studentbevis frembringes. Kompendier kan ikke p?regnes ferdig f?r semesterstart.
Anbefalt litteratur:
Sandberg, Lotte: Alle snakker om museet : Nasjonalmuseet for kunst - fra visjon til virkelighet , Pax Forlag 2008. 180 sider.
Sandell, Richard and Eithne Nightingale (eds): Museums, Equality and Social Justice. London: Routledge, 2012, 344 s.
Whitehead, Christopher: Museums and the construction of disciplines: art and archaeology in nineteenth-century Britain. Duckworth debates in archaeology. 160 s.