
Bakgrunnsstoff og oversiktsverk:

Burke, Peter 2004: What is Cultural History? Cambridge: Polity Press (eller nyere utg.). (152 s.)

Elias, Norbert 2000: The Civilizing Process, Oxford: Blackwell (finnes ogs? p? svensk). Side 45-182. (137 s.)

Foucault, Michel: Nietzsche, Genealogy,and History,

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Moralens genealogi. Side 7-50 (43 s)

Troels-Lund, Troels Frederik 1894: Om kulturhistorie. K?benhavn. Side ii-xl. (38 s.)


Blair, Ann 2003: Reading Strategies for Coping with Information Overload ca. 1550-1700. Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 64, No. 1. Side 11-28. (17 s.)

Darnton, Robert 1984: The great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history, New York. Side 75-144. (69 s.)

Fuls?s, Narve 2003: Havet, d?den og vêret. Kulturell modernisering i Kyst-Noreg 1850-1950. Oslo: Samlaget. (190 s.)

Koselleck, Reinhart 2003: Crisis, Journal for the History of Ideas, 357-400 (43 s.)

Huyssen, Andreas 2003: Present Pasts. Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory? 1-84 (83p.)

Gumbrecht , Hans Ulrich 1998: In 1926. Living at the Edge of Time?. Les User's Manual, Automobiles, Boxing, Elevators, Endurance, Gomina, Mummies, Telephones, After Learning from History.



Publisert 22. des. 2016 11:14