Syllabus/achievement requirements

BAYLY, C. 2011. History and World History. In: RUBLACK, U. (ed.) A Concise Companion to History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-25.

BOROFSKY, R. 1997. Cook, Lono, Obeyesekere, and Sahlins. Current Anthropology, 38, 255-282.

BURKE, P. 2010. The Cultural History of the Travelogue. Przeglad Historyczny, 101/1, 1-12.

CERTEAU, M. D. 1988. Ethno-Graphy. Speech, or the Space of the Other: Jean de Léry. In: CERTEAU, M. D. (ed.) The Writing of History. Columbia University Press, 209-243.

GISSIS, S. B. 2011. Visualizing "Race" in the Eigtheenth Century. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 41/1, 41-103.

HARBSMEIER, M. 2001. Other Worlds and the Self in the 17th Century German Travel Acounts. In: GREYERZ, K. V., LEUTERT, S., VEIT, P. & MEDICK, H. (eds.) Von der dargestellten Person zum erinnerten Ich. Europ?ische Selbstzeugnisse als historische Quellen (1500 - 1850). K?ln; Weimar; Wien: B?hlau, 35-54.

HULME, P. 1986. John Smith and Pocahontas. In: HULME, P. (ed.) Colonial Encounters. Europe and the Native Caribbean, 1492-1797. London 137-173.

JUNEJA, M. 2013. Monica Juneja interviewed by Christian Kravagna. In: KRAVAGNA, C. (ed.) Transcultural Modernism. Berlin; New York: Sternberg Press

KO, D. 2011. Gender. In: RUBLACK, U. (ed.) A Concise Companion to History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 203-225.

LESTRINGANT, F. 1991. The Philosopher's Breviary. Jean de Léry in the Enlightenment. Representations, 33, 200-211.

REINHARD, W. 1994. The Seaborne Empires. In: BRADY, T. A., OBERMAN, H. A. & TRACY, J. D. (eds.) Handbook of European History 1400-1600: Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, 1st vol. Leiden: Brill, 637-659.

ROOSEN, W. 1980. Early Modern Diplomatic Ceremonial. A Systems Approach. The Journal of Modern History, 52, 452-476.

STOLLBERG-RILINGER, B. 2012. State and Political History in a Culturalist Perspective. In: FL?CHTER, A. & RICHTER, S. (eds.) Structures on the Move: Technologies of Governance in Transcultural Encounter. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 43-58.
download library UiO possible

SUBRAHMANYAM, S. 2002. Frank Submissions. The Company and the Mughals between Sir Thomas Roe and Sir William Norris. In: BOWEN, H. V., LINCOLN, M. & RIGBY, N. (eds.) The Worlds of the East India Company. Woodbridge, u.a.: Boydell Press, u.a., 69- 96.


Moreover, there will be source-papers on fronter for all sessions, each about 10 pages.

There will be extracts from:

FOSTER, W. (ed.) 1926. The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Great Mogul 1615-1619 as Narrated in his Journal and Correspondence, London: Kraus

L?RY, J. D. 1990. History of a Voyage to the Land of Brazil, Otherwise called America: Containing the Navigation and the Remarkable Things Seen on the Sea by the Author: the Behavior of Villegagnon in that Country: the Customs and Strange Ways of Life of the American Savages: Together with the Description of various Animals, Trees, Plants, and Other Singular Things Completely Unknown over here, Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press.

PHILLPOTTS, B. (ed.) 23. The Life of the Icelander Jon ?lafsson: Traveller to India; Written by Himself and Completed about 1661 a.D. with a Continuation, by Another Hand, up to his Death in 1679, Translated from the Icelandic ed. of Sigfús Bloendal, Nendeln , [Reprint].

and a set of different sources about:

John Smith and Pocahontas

& James Cook

Publisert 18. nov. 2013 15:19 - Sist endret 27. nov. 2013 09:05