
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
15.01.2008Line Esborg? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Introduction to KULH 1404. An introduction to the course, required readings, termpapers, presentation of the main themes of the lectures etc. ? ?
22.01.2008Line Esborg? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Narrative genres and cultural identity? B? 1989 Folklore and national identity, ?sterud 1996, Mathiesen 1993, Br.Alver 1989, Espeland 2000?
29.01.2008Kyrre Kverndokk/Line Esborg? Norwegian Folk Museum 11.00-15.00. NOTE different time and place? Seminar: Folklore and national identity? ?
05.02.2008Line Esborg? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Creatures of fantasy in legends and folk belief? Skjelbred 1999, B? 1993?
12.02.2008Kyrre Kverndokk? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Seminar: Term papers? ?
19.02.2008Kyrre Kverndokk? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Folktales and national identity? Brunvand 1995, Hodne 1993, 2004?
26.02.2008Line Esborg? Undervisningsrom 2 Georg Sverdrupshus kl 12.15-16.00? The Pathfinder? Time and place for this lecture has been changed

Mathiesen 2000, DuBois 2000?

04.03.2008Line Esborg? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Historical Legends, historical truth? B? 1989 Historical legend and historical truth, Alver 1999, ?
11.03.2008Line Esborg? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Contemporary Legends? af Klintberg 1989, Gustavsson 1979 & 1993, Victor 1993, Bullard 1989?
01.04.2008Kyrre Kverndokk? Sem 9 PAM, 14.15-16.00? Seminar: Term papers? ?
21.04.2008? FRONTER? Submission of termpaper? ?
29.05.2008? ? Final Exam (4 h)? 14.30 - 18.30 ?
Published Dec. 6, 2007 3:10 PM - Last modified May 14, 2008 12:37 PM