
Intro: How to write the Cultural History of Time

Burke, Peter, ?Reflections on the Culltural History of Time? (PDF)

Lynn Hunt, Measuring Time, Making History (PDF)

Key Terms

Lynn Hunt, Measuring Time, Making History (PDF)

Helge Jordheim, “Multiple Temporalities and the Work of Synchronization” (PDF)

Fran?ois Hartog, Presentism and Experiences of Time, Introduction (PDF)

Pre-Modern Times and the Runic Calendar

Kirsten Hastrup, Culture and History in Medieval Iceland, Temporal Categories, 17-49 (PDF)

Hastrup, Kirsten. 1993. “Calendar and Time Reckoning.” In Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia, edited by Philip Pulsiano, 65-66, on Google Books

Primstav, Runic Calendar,

The Runic Calendar Project, file:///C:/Users/helgejo_adm/Documents/Helge%20jobb/runic-calendar.pdf

 Christian Times

Augustin, Confessions, book XI,

Bede, On Times (PDF)

The Julian and Gregorian Calendars in E.G. Richards, Mapping Time, 206-219, 239-256, 345-378 (PDF)

Mechanical Times: Clocks                              

Christian Huygens, Horologium (1658),

Image of Huygens clock,

The 10,000 Year Clock,

Gerhard Dohrn-Van Rossum, History of the Hour. Clocks and Modern Temporal Orders, 1-16 (PDF)

David S. Landes, Revolution in Time, p. 83 -144 (PDF)

History Paintings and the Emergence of History

Alexander Altdorfer, Alexanderschlacht,

Reinhart Koselleck, Futures Past, 9-25 (PDF)


Revolutionary Times

The French Republican Calendar,

Eviatar Zerubavel, “The French Republican Calendar” (PDF)

Reinhart Koselleck, Futures Past, 43-57 (PDF)


Modern Times: Work and Acceleration

Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times,

Hartmut Rosa, “Social Acceleration” (PDF)

E.P. Thompson, “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism” (PDF)


Life times: a New Paradigm?

Catherine de Lange, “In Synch: How to take control of your many body clocks” (PDF)

Time Magazine. Special Double Health Issue, Feb. 2015 (PDF)

Tiago Moreira, “Unsettling Standards: the biological age controversy”, The Sociological Quarterly 56.1 (2015),  18-39. (PDF)


Global Times and Synchronization

Vanessa Ogle, “Whose Time is it?” (PDF)

Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, The Time Regulation Institute (any edition, f.ex. Penguin Classics)

Avner Wischnitzer, Reading Clocks, Alla Turca, 1-44 (PDF)



Publisert 23. aug. 2016 15:38