

Levack, Brian 2016: The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe. Fourth Edition. London and New York: Routledge.

Mitchell, Stephen 2013: Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages. Philadelphia and Oxford: University of Pennsylvania Press. 206 pages


Readers and sourcebooks:

Levack, Brian (ed.) 2015: The Witchcraft Sourcebook. Second Edition. London and New York: Routledge. (Selections, see recommended readings under lectures)

Oldridge, Darren (ed.) 2008: The Witchcraft Reader. Second Edition. Routledge. (Selections, see recommended readings under lectures)

Otto, Bernd Christian and Michael Stausberg (eds.) 2013: Defining Magic. A Reader. Equinox Publishing. (Selections, see recommended readings under lectures)


Chapters and Articles:

Bowman, Marion 2005: “Ancient Avalon, New Jerusalem, Heart Chakra of Planet Earth: The Local and the Global in Glastonbury.” In Numen 2, pp. 157-190. Full text available at UiO 30 pages

?stling, Per-Anders 2006: Bl?kulla Journeys in Swedish Folklore. In: Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore. Vol. 62, pp 81-122. (Available on Fronter) 40 pages

Hanegraaff, Wouter J. 2003: “How magic survived the disenchantment of the world.” In: Religion 33, pp. 357-380. (Available on Fronter) 22 pages

Hagen, Rune Blix 2005: “The King, the Cat, and the Chaplain. King Christian IV’s Encounter with the Sami Shamans of Northern Norway and Northern Russia in 1599.” In: Gábor Kaniczay and ?va Pócs (eds.): Communicating with the Spirits. CEU Press, pp. 246-263. (Available on Fronter) 17 pages

Knutsen, Gunnar W. 2006: “The End of the Witch Hunts in Scandinavia” in: Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore. Vol. 62, pp 143-164. (Available on Fronter) 18 pages

Mitchell, Stephen A. 2015: “Leechbooks, Manuals, and Grimoires. On the Early History of Magical Texts in Scandinavia.” In: Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 70, pp. 57-74. Full text available. 12 pages


Additional reading for those interested in the history of modern Neo-paganism (Wicca etc.):

Hutton, Ronald 1999: The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1999. (Introductory Chapter on Fronter)


Published Jan. 3, 2017 10:20 AM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2017 2:58 PM