
Grunnleggende oversikter:

Kümin, Beat (ed.): The European World 1500-1800. An Introduction to Early Modern History. 2nd Edition. Routledge: NY 2014.

Salmi, Hannu: 19th Century Europe: A Cultural History, Wiley: 2008



Kinder, Hermann; Hilgemann, Werner: The Penguin Atlas of World History. Vol I: From Prehistory to the Eve of the French Revolution. Penguin: London 2004

Kinder, Hermann; Hilgemann, Werner: The Penguin Atlas of World History. Vol II: From the French Revolution to the Present. Penguin: London 2004



Frykman, Jonas og Orvar L?fgren: Det kultiverte mennesket. Pax: Oslo 1994 (Finnes ogs? online:

Ginzburg, Carlo: The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century Miller, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980 [Alt. p? svensk: Ginzburg, Carlo: Osten och maskarna: en 1500-talsmj?lnares tankar om skapelsen. Stockholm: Prisma 1988] 

Favret-Saada, Jeanne: Deadly Words: Witchcraft in the Bocage, Cambridge University Press, 1981


Forelesning 2 og 4, Seminar gruppe 2: 16.9. (Antje Fluechter)

Harley, J. B. "Silences and Secrecy: The Hidden Agenda of Cartography in Early Modern Europe." Imago Mundi 40 (1988): 57-76. Finnes p? Fronter

Burguière, André, and Francois Lebrun: "The One Hundred and One Families of Europe." In: A History of the Family, Vol. Ii: The Impact of Modernity, edited by André Burguière, Christiane Kalpisch-Zuber, Martine Segalen and Francoise Zonabend, s. 11-94. Oxford: Polity Press, 1996. "Mapping the family", s. 19-55, s?rlig 45-48. Finnes p? Fronter

Burguière, André, and Francois Lebrun: "Priest, Prince, and Family." In: A History of the Family, Vol. Ii: The Impact of Modernity, edited by André Burguière, Christiane Kalpisch-Zuber, Martine Segalen and Francoise Zonabend, s. 95-158. Oxford: Polity Press, 1996: "Control of the Family by the churches and the State", s. 97-114. Finnes p? Fronter

Seminar: Landwehr, Achim. "We‘Ve Only Just Begun. Cultural History in Germany." In Cultural History in Europe: Institutions-Themes-Perspectives, edited by J?rg Rogge, 191-209. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2011. Finnes p? Fronter

Tematiske enheter:

(En E-reader med relevante kapitler fra denne avdelingen kommer til ? v?re tilgjengelig p? Fronter. Aktualiseres bestandig)

Burke, Peter: Popular Culture in early modern Europe. 3rd edition. Ashgate: London 2009.

Hodne, Bjarne: Norsk nasjonalkultur. En kulturpolitisk oversikt. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2002. (Finnes online:

Moe, Moltke: Det nationale gjennembrud og dets m?nd, i: Liest?l, Knut (red): Moltke Moes samlede Skrifter III, Aschehoug: Oslo 1927


Publisert 5. mai 2014 10:24 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2014 11:54