
NB! Pdf's of the articles are available in the fronter room.

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.03.2010Ute Hüsken? Mandager kl 1015, Ragnar Frisch aud. (Tidl. Ullev?l kino)? Forelesning? The history of temple organization (economy, politics) and the role of temples in South Indian social life.

Appadurai, Arjun and Carol Appadurai Breckenridge, The South Indian Temple: Authority, Honor and Redistribution, Contributions to Indian Sociology (NS), Vol. 10, No. 2 (Dec. 1976), pp. 187-211.?

08.03.2010Ute Hüsken? Mandager kl 1015, Ragnar Frisch aud. (Tidl. Ullev?l kino)? Forelesning? Myth and ritual

Shulman, David, The Murderous Bride: Tamil Versions of the Myth of Deva and the Buffalo-Demon, History of Religions, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Nov., 1976), pp. 120-146.?

15.03.2010Ute Hüsken? Mandager kl 1015, Ragnar Frisch aud. (Tidl. Ullev?l kino)? Forelesning? The role of temple priests

Good, Anthony, Law, Legitimacy, and the Hereditary Rights of Tamil Temple Priests; Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 23, No. 2. (1989), pp. 233-257.?

22.03.2010Ute Hüsken? Mandager kl 1015, Ragnar Frisch aud. (Tidl. Ullev?l kino)? Forelesning? Sectarian and inter-religious relations

Eaton, Richard, Temple Desecration and Indo-Muslim States, Journal of Islamic Studies 11.3 (2000), pp. 283-319.

Richard H. Davis, A Muslim Princess in the Temples of Visnu International Journal of Hindu Studies 8, 1-3 (2004): 137-56.?

19.04.2010Ute Hüsken? Mandager kl 1015, Ragnar Frisch aud. (Tidl. Ullev?l kino)? Forelesning? Temple festivals and ritual space

Branfoot, Crispin. Gods on the move : architecture and ritual in the South Indian temple, London, 2007 (Society for South Asian Studies), chapter 5.?

26.04.2010Ute Hüsken? Mandager kl 1015, Ragnar Frisch aud. (Tidl. Ullev?l kino)? Forelesning? C A N C E L L E D

Non-Brahmanical temples

Muthukumarasvamy, M.D., Fieldwork Report: Discourse of the blurred genre: Case of Draupadi Kuravanchi Koothu, Indian Folklore Research Journal, Vol.3, No.6, 2006: 38–65.

Muthukumaraswamy, M.D., Trance in Fire Walking Rituals of Goddess Tiraupati Temples in Tamil Nadu; Conference on “Emotions in South Asian and European Rituals January 4 to 6, Goa.?

03.05.2010Ute Hüsken? Mandager kl 1015, Ragnar Frisch aud. (Tidl. Ullev?l kino)? Forelesning? Extra!

Non-Brahmanical temples

Muthukumarasvamy, M.D., Fieldwork Report: Discourse of the blurred genre: Case of Draupadi Kuravanchi Koothu, Indian Folklore Research Journal, Vol.3, No.6, 2006: 38–65. Muthukumaraswamy, M.D., Trance in Fire Walking Rituals of Goddess Tiraupati Temples in Tamil Nadu; Conference on “Emotions in South Asian and European Rituals January 4 to 6, Goa. ?

Published Feb. 22, 2010 12:40 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2010 1:44 PM