Digital Resources and Text Markup in Humanistic Studies
"!" indicates essential reading ("pensum"); "*" indicates important secondary literature ("recommended"); unmarked items indicate additional reading ("voluntary")
Bolter, J. David: Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing, 1991. Hillsdale N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Burnard, Lou: Electronic Textual Editing, 2006. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
! Burnard, Lou, and Syd Bauman, eds: TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. 2 vols, 2008. Oxford, Providence, Charlottesville, Nancy: TEI Consortium. (especially Chapters 10-12). .
* Buzzetti, Dino: "Digital Editions and Text Processing" i Text Editing, Print and the Digital World, 2009. 45-61.
Buzzetti, Dino: Digital Representation and the Text Model, 2002. New Literary History 33, no. 1: 61-88.
* Deegan, Marilyn, ed: Text Editing, Print and the Digital World, 2009. Farnham England; Burlington VT: Ashgate.
* DeRose, S. J., D. G. Durand, E. Mylonas, and A. H. Renear: What is text, really? , 1990. Journal of Computing in Higher Education 1, no. 2: 3-26.
Finneran, Richard J. : The literary text in the digital age, 1996. University of Michigan Press.
Hockey, Susan M: Electronic texts in the humanities, 2000. Oxford University Press.
* Huitfeldt, Claus: Huitfeldt: Scholarly Text Processing and Future Markup Systems, 2003.
McGann, Jerome J: Radiant Textuality, 2001. Palgrave.
Mylonas, E., and A. Renear: The text encoding initiative at 10: not just an interchange format anymore–but a new research community, 1999. Computers and the Humanities 33, no. 1: 1-9.
Renear, A., E. Mylonas, and D. Durand: Refining our notion of what text really is: The problem of overlapping hierarchies, 1993.
* Renear, A. H: Text encoding. A Companion to the Digital Humanities, 218-39.
Robinson, P: Where we are with electronic scholarly editions, and where we want to be, 2004. Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie Online 4: 123-143.
: "Towards a Scholarly Editing System for the Next Decades" i Sanskrit Computational Linguistics: First and Second International Symposia Rocquencourt, 2009. France, October 29-31, 2007 Providence, RI, USA, May 15-17, 2008 Revised Selected Papers, 346. Springer London, Limited.
Schreibman, S., R. G. Siemens, and J. Unsworth, eds: A companion to digital humanities, 2004. Blackwell Pub.
Shillingsburg, Peter: Scholarly editing in the computer age, 1986. University of Georgia Press.
!: From Gutenberg to Google: electronic representations of literary texts, 2006. Cambridge UK ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M : Text in the Electronic Age: Textual Study and Text Encoding, with Examples from Medieval Texts, 1991. Literary and Linguistic Computing 6, no. 1: 34-46.