
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.08.2008Vladimir Tikhonov? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? Politisk- og rettsystem – 1 (colonial period)? Reading: B. Cumings, “Korea’s Place in the Sun”, pp. 148-154, 162-184, 185-236, 337-347 (obligatory)

Ch.Armstrong, “Korean Society”, pp. 1-35 (obligatory)

Shin/Robinson, “Colonial Modernity in Korea”, Harvard University Press, 1999, pp. 21-51 (obligatory).?

29.08.2008Jung Euisung ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? SEMINARUNDERVISNING - “Collective Memory on the Colonial Times in South Korea – the Problem of ‘Pro-Japanese Collaboration’”? Reading: Koen De Ceuster, “The Nation Exorcised: The Historiography of Collaboration in South Korea”, - <Korea Studies>, Vol. 25, 2001, pp. 207-242.?
05.09.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? Politisk- og rettsystem – 2 (post-colonial)? Reading: B.Cumings, “Korea’s Place in the Sun”, pp. 347-393, 398-419 (obligatory),

Andrew Nahm, “Introduction to Korean History and Culture”, pp. 257-262, 288-317 (obligatory).

Suh Dae-sook, “Kim Il Sung, the North Korean Leader”, Columbia University, 1988, pp. 163-168, 301-324.?

12.09.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? utenrikspolitikk? Reading: Gills, Barry K, “Korea versus Korea : a case of contested legitimacy” . 1996, pp. 30-307.

B.Cumings, “Korea’s Place in the Sun”, pp. 456-495 (obligatory)?

19.09.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? sosiale forhold/milj?problemene – 1? Reading: Nan Lin, “ SOCIAL NETWORKS AND STATUS ATTAINMENT”; - <Annual Review of Sociology>. 1999. 25, pp. 467-487: http://soc.annualreviews.org/cgi/content/full/25/1/467

Yee Chaeyeol, ”The Social network of Koreans” and Lee Jaehyuck, ”Society in a Vortex?”, - <Korea Journal>, Vol. 40, No. 1, Spring, 2000, pp. 325-353, 366-393.

Andrew Nahm, “Introduction to Korean History and Culture”, pp. 331-339 (obligatory).

Ch.Armstrong, “Korean Society”, pp. 36-92 (obligatory).?

26.09.2008Jung Euisung ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? SEMINARUNDERVISNING – “’We’ and “Others’ in the South Korean Society – Extended Family, ‘National Bloodline’ and ‘Ethnic Others’” ? Reading: Park Dong Hee, “The Influences of Familism on the Interpersonal Trust of Korean Public Officials”, - <International Review of Public Administration>, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2004, pp. 121-135.?
03.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? sosiale forhold/?konomisk utvikling – 2? Reading: B.Cumings, “Korea’s Place in the Sun”, pp. 309-336, 363-393, 419-431 (obligatory)

Andrew Nahm, “Introduction to Korean History and Culture”, pp. 262-272, 321-339 (obligatory).

Y.W.Bradshaw, Young-Jeong Kim, B.London, Transnational Economic Linkages, the State, and Dependent Development in South Korea, 1966-1988: A Time-series Analysis: Social Forces, December 1993, 72 (2), pp. 315-345.

Russell Mardon, The State and the Effective Control of Foreign Capital: The Case of South Korea: World Politics, Vol. 43, No. 1. (Oct., 1990), pp. 111-138.

Chung-in Moon, Changing Patterns of Business-Government Relations in South Korea: Business and Government in Industrialising Asia, Ed. By A. MacIntyre, Allen&Unwin, 1994, pp. 142-166. ?

10.10.2008Jung Euisung ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? SEMINARUNDERVISNING – “Capitalism, Democracy and Value System of South Koreans: Public and Private Perceptions of the Personal Success and Collective Actions”? Reading: A.E.Kim, G. Park, “Nationalism, Confucianism, Work Ethic and Industrialisation in South Korea”, - <Journal of Contemporary Asia>, Vol. 33, 2003, pp. 37-49.?
17.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? nationalisme - 1? The first drafts of the essays (semesteroppgave) by the students are to be submitted to the teacher by October the 17th for preliminary evaluation and approval!

Reading: C.Sorensen, National Identity and the Creation of the Category ‘Peasant’ in Colonial Korea, - “Colonial Modernity in Korea”, ed. By Gi-uk Shin and M.Robinson, Harvard University, 1999, pp. 288-310 (obligatory).

H.Em, Minjok as a Modern and Democratic Construct: Sin Ch’aeho’s Historiography, - “Colonial Modernity in Korea”, ed. By Gi-uk Shin and M.Robinson, Harvard University, 1999, pp. 336-361.

Vl. Tikhonov, World is a Battlefield: Social Darwinism as the New World Model of Korean Intelligentsia of the 1900s, - “Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung”, Band 27, 2003, pp. 81-106.

K.M.Wells, “New God, New Nation”, University of Hawaii Press, 1990, pp. 82-177 (obligatory).

Lee Jae-Yon, Reading National heroes from Fantasy: Shin Chae-ho’s ‘The Dream Heaven’, - “The Review of Korean Studies”, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2004, pp. 165-187: http://review.aks.ac.kr/AttachedFiles/7-1-lee%20jaeyon.pdf ?

24.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? nationalisme – 2? Reading: Katharine H.S.Moon, “Korean Nationalism, Anti-Americanism and Democratic Consolidation”, - Samuel S. Kim (ed.) Korea’s Democratization, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 135-159 (obligatory)

Pai Hyung Il, “Constructing "Korean" origins : a critical review of archaeology, historiography, and racial myth in Korean state-formation theories”, Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Asia Center, 2000., pp. 1-127, 237-291.

Shin, Gi-Wook, James Freda, and Gihong Yi. The Politics of Ethnic Nationalism in Divided Korea. - Nations and Nationalism 5:4 (October 1999), pp. 465-484.

D.Hart, Creating the National Other: Opposing Images of Nationalism in South and North Korean Education, - “Korean Studies”, Vol. 23, 1999, pp. 68-94.

Pai Hyung Il, T.Tangherlini, “Nationalism and Construction of Korean Identity”, Berkley, 1998, pp. 148-165.

Suh Dae-Sook, “Kim Il Sung, the North Korean Leader”, Columbia University, 1988, pp. 253-2 68.?

30.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? kj?nnsrelationer/familiestrukturer? Reading: Kim, Yung-Chung, Women of Korea : a history from ancient times to 1945, Seoul : Ewha Womans University Press, 1977, pp. 187-277 (obligatory)

Kim Yi Eunhee, ‘Home is a Place for Rest’: Constructing the Meaning of Work, Family, and Gender in the Korean Middle Class, - “Korea Journal”, Vol. 38, No 2, Summer, 1998, pp. 168-213.

Kweon Sug-In, The Extended Family in Contemporary Korea, - “Korea Journal”, Vol. 38, No. 3, August, 1998, pp. 178-209.

Shin Kwang-yeong, The Discourse on Women in Korea: Episodes, Continuity, and Change, - “The Review of Korean Studies”, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2002, pp. 7-28: http://review.aks.ac.kr/AttachedFiles/5-2-(Shin%20Kwangyeong).PDF

Shim Young-Hee, Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment in a Risk Society, - “Korea Journal”, Vol. 38, No. 1, Spring, 1998. pp. 102-131.

Shim Young-Hee, Sexual Violence against Women in Korea : A Victimization Survey of Seoul Women, - “The Journal of Social Science Studies” (Hanyang University), Vol. 12, 1993.

Han Hee-sook, Women’s Life during the Chosǒn Dynasty, - “International Journal of Korean History”, Vol. 6, Dec. 2004, 113-161.?

07.11.2008Vladimir Tikhonov? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus? religion? Reading: Sources of Korean Tradition, Vol. 2, Columbia University Press, NY, 2000, pp. 124-144, 235-245, 326-333, 376-380, 411-416.

South Korea’s Minjung Movement: the Culture and Politics of Dissidence, Kenneth M. Wells (ed.), University of Hawaii Press, 1995, pp. 87-105.

Ch.Armstrong, “Korean Society”, pp. 187-207 (obligatory).

Andrew Eun-gi Kim, The Rise of Protestantism in Contemporary South Korea: Non-religious Factors in Conversion, - “The Review of Korean Studies”, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2002, pp. 11-29: http://review.aks.ac.kr/AttachedFiles/5-1-Andrew%20Eun-gi%20Kim.PDF?

14.11.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 14:15 -16:00, Seminarrom 10 P.A. Munchs hus ? utdannelse? Reading: Andrew Nahm, “Introduction to Korean History and Culture”, pp. 273-275, 340-343 (obligatory)

Michael J. Seth, Education Fever: Society, Politics and the Pursuit of Schooling in South Korea, University of Hawaii Press, 2002, pp. 140-192 (obligatory)

A Handbook of Korea, by Korean Oversees Culture and Information Service, 1998, pp. 349-363.

Kim, Jongchol_ Higher Education Policies in Korea, 1945-83. - Korea Journal 23:10 (October 1983), pp. 4-19.?

18.07.2008? ? ? The essays (semesteroppgave) are to be submitted by the students electronically through Fronter or to the office of the IKOS by 3 Desember!?
Published July 18, 2008 8:09 PM - Last modified July 18, 2008 8:37 PM