Semesteroppgaven - First draft of …

Semesteroppgaven - First draft of the term paper - is to be submitted by 6th of October!

I would like to remind you that, following our study plan, you are all supposed to submit the first drafts of your term papers to me by 6th of October, for careful examination and possible feedback. The drafts should include a more or less precise formulation of the topic, a detailed plan of the work with the titles of the chapters, and the main content of each chapter. Minimally, the draft should be written on ca. 1-2 pages, but you can submit larger and more detailed drafts if you wish more concrete feedback from me. The feedback will include suggestions about possible sources or materials, possible changes in the formulation of the topic, and ideas about the content of the essay. The students are free to pick up the topics of their own choosing, but, please, convay your proposals personally or by e-mail to me before you begin writing your first drafts, as we should have consultations before the topic is finally chosen.

Publisert 22. sep. 2005 11:18 - Sist endret 16. nov. 2005 17:53