
Pensumliste (artiklene m? man selv skaffe seg, kapitlene i bok vil bli lagt ut p? Canvas f?r f?rste forelesning):

Baranovitch, Nimrod. 2016. "Ecological Degradation and Endangered Ethnicities: China’s Minority Environmental Discourses as Manifested in Popular Songs."The Journal of Asian Studies 75 (1): 181–205.

Carrico, Kevin. 2012. "Recentering China: The Cantonese in and beyond the Han." In Critical Han Studies: The History, Representation, and Identity of China’s Majority, edited by Thomas S. Mullaney, 23–44. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.

Dai, Jingyun, and Anthony J. Spires. 2017. "Advocacy in an Authoritarian State: How Grassroots Environmental NGOs Influence Local Governments in China."The China Journal 79: 62–83.

Fu, Diana, and Greg Distelhorst. 2017. "Grassroots Participation and Repression under Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping."The China Journal 79:100–122.

Joniak-Lühti, A. 2015. “Introduction & Chapter 1.” In The Han: China’s Diverse Majority, 3–15, 19–24, 34–43. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Keliher, Macabe, and Hsinchao Wu. 2016. "Corruption, Anticorruption, and the Transformation of Political Culture in Contemporary China."The Journal of Asian Studies 75 (1): 5–18.

Madsen, Richard. "Back to the Future: Pre-modern Religious Policy in Post-Secular China."

Morton, Katherine. 2014. “Policy Case Study: The Environment.” In Politics in China: An Introduction, edited by William A. Joseph, 353–64. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.

Perry, Elizabeth J. 2015. "The Populist Dream of Chinese Democracy."The Journal of Asian Studies 74 (4): 903–915.

Sternfeld, Eva. 2017. "Introduction." In Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China, edited by Eva Sternfeld, 1–13. London and New York: Routledge.

Wellens, Koen: “Failed Secularization, New Nationalism, and Governmentality: The Rise of Buddhism in Post-Mao China.” In Buddhist Modernities: Re-Inventing Tradition in the Globalizing Modern World, edited by Hanna Havnevik, Ute Hu?sken, Mark Teeuwen, Vladimir Tikhonov and Koen Wellens, 151–164. New York and London: Routledge, 2017.

Yang, Fenggang. "The Red, Black, and Gray Markets of Religion in China." The Sociological Quarterly 47 (2006 ): 93–122.

Zhao, Suisheng. 2013. "Foreign Policy Implications of Chinese Nationalism Revisited: the strident turn."Journal of Contemporary China 22 (82): 535–53

Publisert 21. nov. 2017 10:33 - Sist endret 11. jan. 2018 16:26