
Publisert 19. feb. 2008 12:04

Qualification Test Wednesday 20. February from 12.15 till 13.45The qualification test always takes place during the grammar class of week 6 (see grammatikk kompendium). Therefore it takes place Wednesday 20. February from 12.15 till 13.45 at Seminarrom 9 sophus bugges hus

Publisert 11. feb. 2008 13:58

The new, and this time absolutely final fixing for the HIN1120 grammar class is: Wednesdays 12.15 - 14.00 at Seminarrom 9 sophus bugges hus

Publisert 4. feb. 2008 09:51

The grammar class will continue Tuesdays 17-19 at sem.rom 7 Sophus Bugge as long as no alternative time is suggested.

Publisert 29. jan. 2008 11:50

I will be there in the classroom today both at the old time and place (12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 2 Sophus Bugges hus) and the new time and place (sem.rom 7 Sophus Bugge kl 17-19). The new time can only be continued if all students agree on it. Otherwise the old time will continue.

Publisert 29. jan. 2008 09:31

Grammatikk med Claus Peter er flyttet til sem.rom 7 Sophus Bugge tirs kl 17-19.

Publisert 18. jan. 2008 09:43

Tid/sted: Se detaljert undervisningsplan.

Publisert 21. des. 2007 16:46

Timeplanen er endelig.

Publisert 17. des. 2007 15:25

Det vil forekomme endringer i timeplanen. Endelig timeplan samt tidspunkt for kollokviegrupper publiseres snart.