
Published Apr. 26, 2008 6:08 PM

Dear students,

Instead of going to Germany (Bochum University) for an invited lecture on May 15 as it has been initially planned, I have to go there on May 8-9 (Thursday-Friday). It implies that we have to cancel our lecture on May 9 and to move it to May 16 instead (see the changes in the detailed lecture plan). I am sorry for the inconveniences caused by this change in the plan!

Vladimir Tikhonov

Published Feb. 18, 2008 11:09 AM

Ny beskjed: Forelesningen fredag 29. februar avlyses ikke, men flyttes i stedet til seminarrom 2 i P.A.Munchs hus kl 14.15-16.

The lecture on Friday 29 February is not cancelled, but is moved to seminar room 2 in P.A.Munch's house at 14-15-16.

Published Feb. 8, 2008 4:16 PM

FREDAG 29. FEBRUAR m? forelesningen v?r AVLYSES (Our lecture on February 29, Friday, is CANCELLED!). I steden blir det et to-timers seminar i PAM 454 kl. 12:15-14:00 for alle IKOS ansatte, der alle er forpliktet ? delta.