Detailed teaching plan

Detailed teaching plan: EAST4507 Spring 2006

Date (normally, Thursdays every week)


Reading Materials - Obligatory

Reading Materials – Non-obligatory

1) January 19

Labour exclusion and the strategies of the later developers in the world capitalist system

Seung-Ho Kwon and Michael O'Donnell, The chaebol and labour in Korea : the development of management strategy in Hyundai, pp. 1-37.

Frederic Deyo, The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism, Cormell University Press, 1987, pp. 23-44, 182-203

2) January 26

Pre-history of the East Asian industrial relations paradigm – Labour in Japan/Korea before 1945


Patricia Tsurumi, Factory Girls – Women in the Thread Mills of Meiji Japan, Princeton University Press, 1990;

Park Soon-won, Colonial Industrialization and Labor in Korea, Harvard University Press, 1999.

?3) February 2?Militant labour in post-war Japan - 1945-1960?Andrew Gordon, The wages of affluence : labor and management in postwar Japan, pp. 1-131.?

4) February 9

“Cooperative” labour in Japan: 1960s and later

Andrew Gordon, The wages of affluence : labor and management in postwar Japan, pp. 131-225.


5) February 16

“Peripheral” labour in post-war Japan – small enterprises, sub-contract workers, part-timers, female workers, migrant workers.

Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola Piper (ed.), Women and work in globalising Asia, pp. 1-52, 188-209.

?Norma J. Chalmers, Industrial Relations in Japan: The Peripheral Workforce, Routledge, 1989.

6) February 23

South Korea – developmental state and the subjugation of labour: 1945-1987Seung-Ho Kwon and Michael O'Donnell, The chaebol and labour in Korea : the development of management strategy in Hyundai, 2001, pp. 39-103

7) March 2

South Korea – emergence of the independent unions in the late 1980s.

Seung-Ho Kwon and Michael O'Donnell, The chaebol and labour in Korea : the development of management strategy in Hyundai, 2001, pp. 103-177.


8) March 9

South Korea – “peripheral” workforce (especially female workers)

Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola Piper (ed.), Women and work in globalising Asia, pp. 52-70.


9) March 16

No lecture (the teacher travels to S.Korea for conference participation)


10) March 23

No lecture (the teacher travels to S.Korea for conference participation)



11) March 30

Labour market reforms in China in the later 1970s – early 1990s

Xin Meng, Labour market reform in China. 2000


12) April 6

“Race to the bottom” – overexploitation of labour in the 1990s China

Anita Chan, China's workers under assault : the exploitation of labor in a globalizing economy, pp. 3-149, 172-206

Mary Gallagher, Contagious Capitalism: Globalization and the Politics of Labour in China, Princeton University Press, 2004

13)April 20

Labour resistance? in post-reform China

Anita Chan, China's workers under assault : the exploitation of labor in a globalizing economy, pp. 149-172, 206-241.

Lee Ching Kwan, “From the specter of Mao to the spirit of the law: labour insurgency in China” Theory and Society, 31/2, (2002), pp. 189-228.

14) April 27

Labour in Vietnam’s post-reform economy

Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola Piper (ed.), Women and work in globalising Asia, pp. 112-131.


15) May 4

Globalization and international labour migration in East Asia.


Chris Manning, “Structural Change, Economic Crisis and International Labour Migration in East Asia” The World Economy 25/3, (2002), pp. 359-385; Sellek Yoko, Migrant Labour in Japan, NY: Palgrave, 2001.

May 11




May 29The final essay should be handed in within 15:00 PM.? ??


Published Jan. 5, 2006 3:43 PM - Last modified Apr. 7, 2006 10:54 AM