
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
17.08.2009Vladimir Tikhonov? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? Introduction? ?
24.08.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? Cold War in Asia: Japan and South Korea in USA’s hegemonic sphere, China as an “inimical other”/ally in “containing the Soviets”? Obligatory reading: Akira Irie, The cold war in Asia: a historical introduction, pp. 130-193.

Bruce Cumings, Parallax visions : making sense of American-East Asian relations at the end of the century, pp. 173-205 (“area studies” during the Cold War in the USA and their influence on the perceptions of the “enemies”).

?Supplementary reading: K. Weathersby, “New Fundings of the Korean War”: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?topic_id=1409&fuseaction=library.document&id=426

G.Kennan, “Japanese Security and American Policy” (1964): http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19641001faessay43102/george-f-kennan/japanese-security-and-american-policy.html

G.Kennan, “American Foreign Policy in the 1970s” (1972): http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19721001faessay51113/george-f-kennan/after-the-cold-war-american-foreign-policy-in-the-1970s.html

Allen Carlson, Unifying China, Integrating with the World, Stanford University Press, 2005, pp. 52-61.?

31.08.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-US relationship: from a Cold War alliance to trade interdependency/incipient hegemonic rivalry. Part 1 - Trade? Obligatory reading: David Lampton, Same bed, different dreams: managing U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000, pp. 1-64, 111-155.

Bruce Cumings, Parallax visions : making sense of American-East Asian relations at the end of the century, pp. 151-173.

Supplementary reading: Jane Perlez, “Across Asia, Beijing’s star is in ascendance” (2004): http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/china/perlez.htm

K.Bradsher, D. Barboza, “Made in China. Bought Everywhere” (2005): http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/china/europe.htm

James Dorn, “US-China Relations in the Wake of CNOOC” (2005): http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa553.pdf

Huang Yasheng, Selling China – Foreign Direct Investment during the Reform Era (Cambridge University Press, 2003): http://books.google.com/books?hl=no&lr=&id=r-3jrizudrAC&oi=fnd&pg=PR6&dq=Japanese+investment+China&ots=Q0OGBBb3X&sig=o7nZnKMubvaDVUFoXrl1XZlUXo#PPA15,M1

Sujian Guo & Shiping Hua (ed.), New Dimensions of Chinese Foreign Policy, Lexington Books, 2007, pp. 203-233?

07.09.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-US relationship: from a Cold War alliance to trade interdependency/incipient hegemonic rivalry. Part 2 - Security? Obligatory reading: David Lampton, Same bed, different dreams: managing U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000, pp. 64-111.

Peter Hays Gries, China's New Nationalism: Pride, Politics and Diplomacy, pp. 69-151

Sujian Guo & Shiping Hua (ed.), New Dimensions of Chinese Foreign Policy, Lexington Books, 2007, pp. 83-149

?Supplementary reading: Chinese Military Power: http://www.comw.org/cmp/

Ivan Eland, “Is Chinese Military Modernization A Threat to the United States” (2003): http://cato-institute.org/pubs/pas/pa465.pdf

Allen Carlson, Unifying China, Integrating with the World, Stanford University Press, 2005, pp. 146-224.?

14.09.2009? ? NO LECTURE ? (The teacher participates in a conference at University of Traditional Culture, Puyǒ, South Korea) ?
21.09.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? Japan: US alliance and the shifting regional role? By SEPTEMBER 21, the topics of the essays should be clearly formulated, through the consultations with the teacher.

Obligatory reading: Javed Maswood (ed.), Japan and East Asian regionalism, pp. 1-51, 68-90.

Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 87-89, 140-152, 318-323.

Michael H. Armacost, Friends or rivals?: the insider's account of Japan-U.S. relations, pp.172-224.

Supplementary reading: G.McCormack, “Koizumi’s Japan in Bush’s World” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=162

Christopher Preble, “Two Normal Countries: Rethinking the US-Japan Strategic Relationship” (2006): http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa566.pdf ?

28.09.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-Japan relationship 1: emergence of new economical order in North-East Asia? Obligatory reading: Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 152-277. Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 98-103.

James C. Hsiung (ed.), China and Japan at Odds: Deciphering the Perpetual Conflict, Palgrave, 2007, pp. 81-95

Supplementary reading: Japan-China relationship – official information from the Japanese Foreign Ministry: http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/china/

James C. Hsiung (ed.), China and Japan at Odds: Deciphering the Perpetual Conflict, Palgrave, 2007, pp. 59-81.?

05.10.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-Japan relationship 2: emergence of new hegemonic balance in North-East Asia? Obligatory reading: Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 1-42, 80-87, 89-140, 277-318, 323-368.

Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 77-98, 103-111.

James C. Hsiung (ed.), China and Japan at Odds: Deciphering the Perpetual Conflict, Palgrave, 2007, pp. 95-113

?Supplementary reading: “Japan, China face off over energy” (2005): http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/GG02Dh01.html ?

12.10.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-Japan relationship 3: the power of the historic perceptions? Obligatory reading: Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 42-80

Richard F. Calichman, Contemporary Japanese Thought, Columbia University Press, 2005, pp. 193-210.

?Supplementary reading: “War and Japan’s Memory Wars” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=206

James C. Hsiung (ed.), China and Japan at Odds: Deciphering the Perpetual Conflict, Palgrave, 2007, pp. 23-59?

19.10.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? North Korea 1: US’s main “inimical other” in the East Asia? By OCTOBER 19, the drafts of the essays should be presented to the teacher for preliminary evaluation and collective discussions in the class.

Obligatory reading: Bruce Cumings, Parallax visions : making sense of American-East Asian relations at the end of the century, pp. 121-151.

Selig Harrison, Korean Endgame: A Strategy for Reunification and US Disengagement, Princeton University Press, 2002, pp. 1-69.

Sujian Guo & Shiping Hua (ed.), New Dimensions of Chinese Foreign Policy, Lexington Books, 2007, pp. 149-165

?Supplementary reading: S.Harrison, “Did North Korea cheat?”: http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=186?

26.10.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? North Korea 2: economic dependency on and “inimical coexistence” with Japan? Obligatory reading: Christopher W. Hughes, Japan's economic power and security: Japan and North Korea, pp. 117-161.

Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 111-130.

?Supplementary reading: Wada Haruki, “Japan-North Korea diplomatic normalization and Northeast Asia peace” (2004): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=118

G.McCormack, “Disputed Bones: Japan-North Korea Clash” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=306 ?

02.11.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? Inter-Korean relations: Ups and Downs of the “Sunshine Policy” and North Korea’s reluctant reforms? Supplementary reading: Park Yoon-shik, “Sunshine Policy of the DJ Kim Administration and its effects”: http://home.gwu.edu/~yspark/File/PDF/Park%20Paper%20for%20Georgetown%20University%20Conference%20on%20North-South%20Korea%20economic%20cooperation%20-%20June%202002.pdf

“Overview of North Korea’s July 1 Economic Reforms” (2005): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=39&no=1110&section=2

“Does it make sense to provide North Korea with security assurance?” (2005): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=38&no=1081&section=2

“Is North Korea moving toward a market economy?” (2004): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=35&no=979&section=2

“North Korea’s Food Crisis” (2004): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=34&no=973&section=2?

09.11.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? Japan – South Korean relations: economic pragmatism and the weight of history? Obligatory reading: Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 130-144.

?Suplementary reading: “History overshadows Japan-S. Korea rapprochement” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=233 ?

16.11.2009? ? NO LECTURE ? (The teacher will be participating in a conference at Novosibirsk University, Russia).?
23.11.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? South-East Asia: a periphery for the new industrial core? Environmental issues in the South-North East Asian international relationship ? Obligatory reading: Javed Maswood (ed.), Japan and East Asian regionalism, pp. 51-68, 90-139.

?Supplementary reading: Peter Dauvergne, Shadow in the Forest: Japan and the Politics of Timber in Southeast Asia (MIT Press, 1997): http://books.google.com/books?hl=no&lr=&id=wyXMKFa7kCcC&oi=fnd&pg=PP9&ots=dXQOpUXSps&sig=lKXDE5U-4hdV0VIuJzrhSi8AvUw#PPA2,M1?

30.11.2009Vladimir Tikhonov ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 9 P.A. Munchs hus ? Conclusions? ?
Published Aug. 13, 2009 6:42 PM - Last modified Aug. 13, 2009 7:21 PM