
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.08.2008Vladimir Tikhonov? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? Introduction? ?
29.08.2008? ? NO LECTURE (The teacher participates in a UiO conference)? ?
05.09.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? Cold War in Asia: Japan and South Korea in USA’s hegemonic sphere, China as an “inimical other”/ally in “containing the Soviets”? Obligatory reading: Akira Irie, The cold war in Asia: a historical introduction, pp. 130-193.

Bruce Cumings, Parallax visions : making sense of American-East Asian relations at the end of the century, pp. 173-205 (“area studies” during the Cold War in the USA and their influence on the perceptions of the “enemies”).

Supplementary reading: K. Weathersby, “New Fundings of the Korean War”: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?topic_id=1409&fuseaction=library.document&id=426

G.Kennan, “Japanese Security and American Policy” (1964): http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19641001faessay43102/george-f-kennan/japanese-security-and-american-policy.html

G.Kennan, “American Foreign Policy in the 1970s” (1972): http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19721001faessay51113/george-f-kennan/after-the-cold-war-american-foreign-policy-in-the-1970s.html ?

12.09.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-US relationship: from a Cold War alliance to trade interdependency/incipient hegemonic rivalry. Part 1 - Trade? Obligatory reading: David Lampton, Same bed, different dreams: managing U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000, pp. 1-64, 111-155. Bruce Cumings, Parallax visions : making sense of American-East Asian relations at the end of the century, pp. 151-173.

Supplementary reading: Jane Perlez, “Across Asia, Beijing’s star is in ascendance” (2004): http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/china/perlez.htm

K.Bradsher, D. Barboza, “Made in China. Bought Everywhere” (2005): http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/china/europe.htm

James Dorn, “US-China Relations in the Wake of CNOOC” (2005): http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa553.pdf

Huang Yasheng, Selling China – Foreign Direct Investment during the Reform Era (Cambridge University Press, 2003): http://books.google.com/books?hl=no&lr=&id=r-3jrizudrAC&oi=fnd&pg=PR6&dq=Japanese+investment+China&ots=Q0OGBBb3X&sig=o7nZnKMubvaDVUFoXrl1XZlUXo#PPA15,M1?

19.09.2008GUEST LECTURE by South Korean Ambassador Mr. Choi Byung-koo? 10.15-12.00, s.r. 1, P.A.Munchs Hus? “South Korean Diplomacy Today: Continuing Alliance with US, Strengthening Partnership with China”: ? ?
26.09.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-US relationship: from a Cold War alliance to trade interdependency/incipient hegemonic rivalry. Part 2 - Security? Obligatory reading: David Lampton, Same bed, different dreams: managing U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000, pp. 64-111.

Peter Hays Gries, China's New Nationalism: Pride, Politics and Diplomacy, pp. 69-151

Supplementary reading: Chinese Military Power: http://www.comw.org/cmp/

Ivan Eland, “Is Chinese Military Modernization A Threat to the United States” (2003): http://cato-institute.org/pubs/pas/pa465.pdf ?

03.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? Japan: US alliance and the shifting regional role? Obligatory reading: Javed Maswood (ed.), Japan and East Asian regionalism, pp. 1-51, 68-90.

Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 87-89, 140-152, 318-323.

Michael H. Armacost, Friends or rivals?: the insider's account of Japan-U.S. relations, pp.172-224.

Supplementary reading: G.McCormack, “Koizumi’s Japan in Bush’s World” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=162

Christopher Preble, “Two Normal Countries: Rethinking the US-Japan Strategic Relationship” (2006): http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa566.pdf?

10.10.2008? ? NO LECTURE (The teacher participates in a conference at Sogang University, South Korea)? ?
17.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-Japan relationship 1: emergence of new economical order in North-East Asia? Obligatory reading: Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 152-277.

Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 98-103.

?Supplementary reading: Japan-China relationship – official information from the Japanese Foreign Ministry: http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/china/ ?

24.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-Japan relationship 2: emergence of new hegemonic balance in North-East Asia? Obligatory reading: Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 1-42, 80-87, 89-140, 277-318, 323-368.

Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 77-98, 103-111.

Supplementary reading: “Japan, China face off over energy” (2005): http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/GG02Dh01.html ?

31.10.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? China-Japan relationship 3: the power of the historic perceptions? Obligatory reading: Greg Austin & Stuart Harris, Japan and greater China: political economy and military power in the Asian century, pp. 42-80

Richard F. Calichman, Contemporary Japanese Thought, Columbia University Press, 2005, pp. 193-210.

?Supplementary reading: “War and Japan’s Memory Wars” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=206?

07.11.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? North Korea 1: US’s main “inimical other” in the East Asia? Obligatory reading: Bruce Cumings, Parallax visions : making sense of American-East Asian relations at the end of the century, pp. 121-151.

Selig Harrison, Korean Endgame: A Strategy for Reunification and US Disengagement, Princeton University Press, 2002, pp. 1-69.

?Supplementary reading: S.Harrison, “Did North Korea cheat?”: http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=186 ?

14.11.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? North Korea 2: economic dependency on and “inimical coexistence” with Japan? Obligatory reading: Christopher W. Hughes, Japan's economic power and security: Japan and North Korea, pp. 117-161.

Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 111-130.

?Supplementary reading: Wada Haruki, “Japan-North Korea diplomatic normalization and Northeast Asia peace” (2004): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=118

G.McCormack, “Disputed Bones: Japan-North Korea Clash” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=306 ?

21.11.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? Inter-Korean relations: Ups and Downs of the “Sunshine Policy” and North Korea’s reluctant reforms? Supplementary reading: Park Yoon-shik, “Sunshine Policy of the DJ Kim Administration and its effects”: http://home.gwu.edu/~yspark/File/PDF/Park%20Paper%20for%20Georgetown%20University%20Conference%20on%20North-South%20Korea%20economic%20cooperation%20-%20June%202002.pdf

“Overview of North Korea’s July 1 Economic Reforms” (2005): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=39&no=1110&section=2

“Does it make sense to provide North Korea with security assurance?” (2005): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=38&no=1081&section=2

“Is North Korea moving toward a market economy?” (2004): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=35&no=979&section=2

“North Korea’s Food Crisis” (2004): http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/essays.asp?vol=34&no=973&section=2?

28.11.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? Japan – South Korean relations: economic pragmatism and the weight of history? Obligatory reading: Michael Green, Japan's reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power, pp. 130-144.

?Suplementary reading: “History overshadows Japan-S. Korea rapprochement” (2005): http://www.japanfocus.org/article.asp?id=233?

05.12.2008Vladimir Tikhonov ? Friday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 1 P.A. Munchs hus ? South-East Asia: a periphery for the new industrial core? Environmental issues in the South-North East Asian international relationship ? Obligatory reading: Javed Maswood (ed.), Japan and East Asian regionalism, pp. 51-68, 90-139.

?Supplementary reading: Peter Dauvergne, Shadow in the Forest: Japan and the Politics of Timber in Southeast Asia (MIT Press, 1997): http://books.google.com/books?hl=no&lr=&id=wyXMKFa7kCcC&oi=fnd&pg=PP9&ots=dXQOpUXSps&sig=lKXDE5U-4hdV0VIuJzrhSi8AvUw#PPA2,M1 ?

Published July 18, 2008 8:48 PM - Last modified July 18, 2008 9:09 PM