
Published Apr. 3, 2007 12:44 AM

The powerpoint files of the last lectures are now uploaded.

Remember the deadline for the draft version of the qualifying essay (to be delivered on April 12th at the beginning of the lecture)

From next time onwards we will also use parts of each lecture to repeat some topics from previous lectures.

Published Feb. 28, 2007 3:24 PM

Dear students, here is some information on guest lectures which can be of interest for you:

(1) Elaine Jeffrey: Governmentality and China Studies

Place and time: 20. march, 16.15 - 18.00, auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups building (UB)

Information on the lecture:

(2) Prof. Jeff Shore (who is teaching at the Buddhist Hanazono Univ. in Kyoto) will give a guest lecture on Zen practice. Prof. Shore combines an academic perspective on Zen with an active practice as Zen monk.

Description:Jeff Shore is an American living in Kyoto, Japan. After studying and practicing Zen in the States for a decade, in 1981 moved to Japan to live and train at Rinzai Zen monasteries. He is a lay Zen man and Professor of International Zen at Hanazono University in Kyoto (the sole Rinzai Zen-affiliated university in the world), where he has taught since 1987. Based on thirt...

Published Feb. 20, 2007 9:43 PM

Materials for the next lecture on thursday are now uploaded.

Please remember that there is no lecture on March 1st!

Published Feb. 14, 2007 5:53 PM

New materials concerning Buddhism have been uploaded into the teachingmaterial folder

A compendium of articles from the pensum list is now available at Academica bookshop

Published Feb. 6, 2007 12:36 PM

Materials for the class on Feb. 8th (introduction to Buddhism) are uploaded into the teachingmaterial folder.

Published Feb. 2, 2007 2:27 PM

Teaching materials in Powerpoint (.ppt) format are now uploaded into the teachingmaterial folder (note that some of these files are quite large!). Please also note that these materials are compiled for internal usage (EAST1504/4505) only and not for further distribution on the internet.

Occasionally there will be uploaded non-obligatory additional information on topics discussed in the lectures or during the seminars. These materials are marked with 'Xtramaterial...'

Published Feb. 2, 2007 1:59 PM

Obligatory qualifying essay


2 copies of the essay must be submitted by May 3rd 2007 (IKOS, PAM 4th floor)

A draft version should be delivered to the teacher by April 12th.

Please choose one of the following topics for your essay:

1.Describe the main features of the Chan / Zen / S?n (禪) School in East Asia. Explain aspects of the great doctrinal and cultural impact of this school in East Asian countries.

2.Describe the practice of ancestor worship in the different cultural and social settings of East Asian countries.

3.Describe the development of nationalist ideas in East Asian countries in relation to their impact on religious institutions and religious ideologies.


Obligatory Qualifying Essays for Bachelor students.doc

Published Jan. 21, 2007 4:13 PM

Note that information provided on this page is frequently updated and revised (e.g. detailed teaching plan, teaching materials, messages). CHECK THIS WEBPAGE OFTEN!

Compendium for EAST1504/4504 ("Japanese Religions: Past and Present"and "East Meets West") will be available at Akademika in about 3 weeks time. There will be no compendium for "Sources of Chinese Tradition", however, the book is presently available at Akademika bookstore.