
Published Apr. 22, 2006 9:48 PM

The following students have their obligatory qualifying essays approved, and are allowed to take the final examinations:

Furuichi Noritoshi

Kim Se Won

Kobayashi Arisa

Larsen Fredrik Andreas

Lien Geir Ivar

Skulstad Terje

Welle-Strand Karin

Published Mar. 27, 2006 1:23 PM

On the Submission of the Obligatory Qualifying Essays

Please choose one of the following topics for your essay:

1.Describe the main doctrines of the Pure Land School in East Asia. Explain the popularity of this school in the East Asian countries.

2.Describe the significance of the "filial piety" principle for the ethical and socio-political norms of Confucianism, and the influence of this principle upon the religions and cults of East Asia.

The essay should be on 4-5 pages (double-spaced), and is supposed to be based upon the obligatory literature, supplementary (non-obligatory) reading and lecture notes. It should include a literature list and references to the sources, which are expected to follow either Chicago or Harvard style (see the guidebooks here: Two copies of the essay should be submitted to the Institute's office (4th fl.,...