
26-27 January: Weekend seminar.

Room 307 in P.A.Munch's house.

Christoph Harbsmeier:

The nature of the Chinese writing system

Karlgren 1923, Boltz 1994

The traditional interpretation of the Chinese writing system: The Shuowenjiezi

Loewe 1993

Bjarke Frellesvig:

Reading Chinese in Japan and Korea

The adaptation/use of Chinese script to write Japanese

Seeley 1991

The development of Japanese script and writing

(review) Roy Andrew Miller, The Japanese Language, chapter 3, 'Writing systems'.

The Korean alphabet

Kim-Renaud 1997, (review) Iksop Lee and S. Robert Ramsey, The Korean Language, chapter 2, 'Korean writing'

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
04.02.2008Christoph Harbsmeier? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Grupperom 8 Georg Sverdrups hus ? Reflexivization in Chinese? ?
11.02.2008Christoph Harbsmeier ? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Grupperom 8 Georg Sverdrups hus ? Abstraction as a linguistic category? ?
15.02.2008? Fronter by 15:00? ? Electronic submission of a maximum 1 page topic and project proposal and description for a master's thesis. Deadline: 15:00.?
18.02.2008Professor Nikolay Speshnev? Monday 12:15 -14:00, Grupperom 8 Georg Sverdrups hus ? ? ?
07.03.2008? ? ? Oral presentations, approximately 15 minutes plus questions per person. This will take place in the afternoon. ?
31.03.2008? Fronter by 15:00? ? Electronic submission of the written paper (6-8 pages) Deadline: 15:00?
Published Jan. 2, 2008 3:39 PM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2008 12:34 PM