
B?kene f?s kj?pt p? Akademika og begge kompendiene f?s kj?pt i Kopiutsalget p? Akademika.


James Dickens et al.: Thinking Arabic Translation, 2002. London: Routledge .

Mona Baker: In other words, 1992. Oxon: Routledge .

Nariman al-Warraki og Ahmed Taher Hassanein: The Connectors in Modern Standard Arabic, 1994 og senere . Cairo: AUC Press.


Artikler merket med * er nye i forhold til i 2007, og vil komme i eget kompendium

*Munday, Jeremy: Translating the foreign: the (in)visibility of translation. Kap. 9 i ibid.: Introducing Translation Studies – Theories and applications, London:Routledge 2001, s.144-161 (eller senere utgave)

Rooke, Tetz: Den nya arabiska ?vers?ttningsr?relsen, Svenska Institutet i Alexandria, 2002, kap. 2, 3 og 5 s.13-24 og 39-51.

Rooke, Tetz: Translation of Arabic Literature: Mission impossible? I: Lutz Edzard and Jan Rets? (eds.): Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon II. Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz 2006, s.214-225.

Richard Jacquemond: Towards an Economy and Poetics of Translation from and into Arabic, in Said Faiq (ed.): Cultural Encounters in Translation from Arabic. Cleveland: Multilingual Matters 2004, s.117-127.

R.A. Megrab: Ideological Shifts in Cross-Cultural Translation. I Jean Boase-Beier and Michael Holman (eds.): The Practices of Literary Translation. Constraints and Creativity. Manchester:St. Jerome Publishing 1988, s. 59-69.

*Nikolajeva, Maria: What Do We Translate When We Translate Children?s Literature? I Beckett, Sandra L. og Maria Nikolajeva (red.): Beyond Babar. The European Tradition in Children?s Literature. Maryland/Toronto/Oxford: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2006, s.277-297.

Jehan Allam: A Sociolinguistic Study on the Use of Color Terminology in Egyptian Colloquial and Classical Arabic. I: Ibrahim,Kassabgy og Aydelott (eds.): Diversity in Language. Contrastive Studies in English and Arabic Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Cairo/New York: The American University in Cairo Press. 2000, s.77-92.

Ludmila Torlakova: Some cultural and ethnic elements in modern standard Arabic idioms, i Proceedings of the Arabic and Islamic Sections of the 35th Int. Congress of Asian and Northafrican Studies, Budapest 1998, s.63-71.

Badawi, Gully, Carter: Hypersentence and Discourse, Modern Written Arabic – A Comprehensive Grammar. London:Routledge 2004, s.723-739.

Cantarino, Vicente: Paronomasia, Syntax of Modern Standard Arabic vol. 2. Bloomington/London: Indiana University Press. 1975, s.439-452

David Justice: The Semantics of Form in Arabic. kap. 6 Accumulation og 10 Pleonasm. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1987, s. 175-193 og s. 277-287.

I tillegg arbeider vi med parallelltekster (originaler og oversettelser) som deles ut p? seminaret).

Anbefalt litteratur

Said Faiq (ed.): Cultural Encounters in Translation from Arabic, 2004. Cleveland: Multilingual Matters.

Ibrahim Muhawi: Performance and Translation in the Arabic Metalinguistic Joke. The Translator 8, 2 [Special issue: Translating Humour] (2002): 341-366.

Dilworth Parkinson: Egyptian Arabic abuse, Maledicta: The International Journal of verbal Aggression 10 (1988-89): 145-161.

Barbara Johnstone: ‘Orality’ and Discourse Structure in Modern Standard Arabic. I Mushira Eid (red.): Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics I, 1987, 215-233.

Publisert 3. juni 2008 10:40 - Sist endret 5. aug. 2008 16:35