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Make good use of the vacation to start repeating for the exams. Mainly all what we have been working on is part of the exam: Texts (vocalized and translated), grammar and exercises in Al-Kitaab and Abu Chakra, additional grammar and grammar related material you have got (since these are about grammar you had learned before, as well as grammar seen in ARA4) and all additional translations from outside the book. Some of the texts that were read for listening and comprehension purposes will also be exam material (to read correctly and translate): al-jaziira- - ????? ?????????? ???? ????? ???? ????????- ?? ???? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ? - ??? ????? ?.?? ??????

The oral exam starts in week 23. More details later.

Make also good use of the corrections and remarks on all of your written homework, to improve your writing skills.

Class will be given in GS hus, grupperom 1.



Publisert 19. mars 2016 15:03