Til muntlig eksamen.

Repeat the texts, vocabulary and grammar mentioned in the message sent on the 2nd of May.

In addition to what Stephan has written on Fronter, you can also be asked to choose one of 3 subjects (that would be presented to you) to talk about/discuss (after you have read parts of known texts and answered grammatical and comprehension questions).

The subjects in question (and that you can discuss in ?????? ?? ???????) are to be found in Al-Kitaab:

p.72/ nr.5 (2-6)

p.77/ nr.11

p.109/ nr.5 (1- 5)

p. 113/ nr.9 ( speak about one historical figure).

p.145/ nr.8 (2-6)

p. 178/ nr.7(3-8-9)

p.179/ nr.9

p.207/ nr.2b( 4)

p.211/ nr.8(1-3)

p.240/ nr.5(2-3-6)

p.243/ nr.10

p.280/ nr. 8a

p.296/ nr. 25(5-7)

p.311/ nr.3a(1-6)

It is meant that these subjects should be treated individually and not as a collective work ( in other words, we want to hear different answers from each of you).



Publisert 6. mai 2014 20:31 - Sist endret 6. mai 2014 21:28