

Sv. Aage Bay, Kristen forkyndelse i gammel-romersk kunst (Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag, 1977). (ca 70 sider)

Fabrizio Bisconti, “The Decoration of Roman Catacombs,” i The Christian Catacombs of Rome: History, Decoration, Inscriptions (Edited by V. F. Nicolai, F. Bisconti, D. Mazzoleni. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 1999), s. 71–145

Jas Elsner, Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph: The Art of the Roman Empire AD 100–450 (Oxford History of Art; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), s. 199–235.

Reidar Hvalvik, “Christ Proclaiming His Law to the Apostles: The Traditio-Legis-Motif in Early Christian Art and Literature,” i The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context: Studies in Honor of David E. Aune (Edited by John Fotopoulos. Leiden: Brill, 2006), s. 405–437.

Robin Margaret Jensen, Understanding Early Christian Art (London: Routledge, 2000). (ca 180 sider)

Herbert L. Kessler, “Pictures as Scripture in Fifth-Century Churches,” i Studies in Pictoral Narrative (London: The Pindar Press, 1994), s. 357–392 (22 sider tekst)

Herbert L. Kessler, Seeing Medieval Art. (Peterborough, Ontatrio: Broadview Press, 2004). (ca 165 sider)

Herbert L. Kessler and Johanna Zacharias, Rome 1300: On the Path of the Pilgrim. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. (ca 200 sider).

H. P. L’Orange og Per Jonas Nordhagen, Mosaikk fra antikk til middelalder (Oslo: Dreyers forlag, 1958). (s. 80 sider)

Olaf Steen, “The Apse Mosaic of S. Pudenziana and Its Relation to the Fifth Century Mosaics of S. Sabina and S. Maria Maggiore,” i Ecclesia Urbis: Atti congresso internazionale di studi sulle chiese di Roma (IV-X Seculo) I-III (Studi di antichità Christiana LIX; Città del Vaticano: Pontificio istituto di archeologia Christiana, 2002), s. 1939–1948.

William Tronzo, “Apse Decoration, the Liturgy and the Perception of Art in Medieval Rome: S. Maria in Trastevere and S. Maria Maggiore,” i Italian Church Decoration of the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance: Functions, Form and Regional Traditions (Edited by William Tronzo; Bologna: Nuova Alfa Editorial, 1989), s. 167–193.

Rotraut Wisskrichen, Die Mosaiken der Kirche Santa Prassede in Rom (Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1992). (ca 65 sider)

(med forbehold om endringer)

Utfyllende litteratur (ikke pensum):

Andre Grabar, Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origin (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968).

Maria Andaloro/Serena Romano, “Das Bild in der Apsis,” i R?misches Mittelalter: Kunst und Kultur in Rom von der Sp?tantike bis Giotto (Red. Maria Andaloro/Serena Romano. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2002), s. 73–102

Serena Romano, “Die r?mischen Maler und die Tradition,” i Maria Andaloro/Serena Romano (Hrsg.), R?misches Mittelalter: Kunst und Kultur in Rom von der Sp?tantike bis Giotto. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2002, s.103–138

Tilleggslitteratur for ROMA 2011 (Best?tt eksamen i ROMA2010 og ROMA2011 gir til sammen 15 studiepoeng):

Richard Krautheimer, Rome: Profile of a City, 312–1308 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1980), s. 1–228.

Walter Oakeshott, The Mosaics of Rome from the Third to the Fourteenth Centuries (London: Thames and Hudson, 1967) (ca 160 sider tekst)

(med forbehold om endringer)

Publisert 24. okt. 2006 10:28 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2006 12:15