Andersen, ?ivind: I retorikkens hage, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1995.?ISBN 978-82-00-21969-9, h., 82-00-21969-0, h.??
Habinek, Thomas N.: Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory, Malden:?Blackwell 2005. ISBN 0-631-23515-9??
Vestrheim, Gjert og Tor Ivar ?stmoe (red.): Klassisk ?talekunst. Greske og romerske taler fra Gorgias til Cicero,?Oslo: Vidarforlaget 2009. ISBN 978-82-7990-080-1
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Roggen, Vibeke, Per-Bjarne Ravn?, Thea Selliaas Thorsen og Siri Sande: Antikkens kultur, Oslo: Pax 2010. ISBN 978-82-03-33743-7
- Thorsen, Thea Selliaas: "Retorikk", s. 106–113
Aristoteles: Retorikk, oversatt av Tormod Eide, Oslo: Vidarforlaget 2006
- Kapittel 1. Innledning: Retorikk og vitenskap, s. 21–25
- Kapittel 2. Definisjon av retorikk. De tre overtalelsesmidlene, s. 27–34
- Kapittel 3. De tre talegenrene, s. 35–37
Libanius' Progymnasmata: Model Exercises in Greek Prose Composition and Rhetoric, Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Craig A. Gibson, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature 2008. ISBN 978-158983360-9
- Anecdote 1: Alexander, upon being asked by someone where he kept his treasures, pointed to his friends, s. 44–55
- Refutation 1. That it is not plausible that Chryses went to the harbor of the Greeks, s. 108–113
- Common Topics 5. For a Tyrannicide, 186–193
- Invective 3. Philip, s. 282–289
- Description 27. Alexander the Founder, 492–497
- Introduction of a Law 1. In support of a law bidding men not to marry their deceased brothers' wives, s. 528–531
[Quintilian:] The Lesser Declamations, volume I, edited and translated by D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Cambridge, Massachusetts/London, England: Harvard University Press 2006
- 268. Orator, medicus, philosophus, s. 194–207
- 274. The tyrant struck by lightning, s. 250–259
- 282. A tyrannicide in woman's clothing, s. 306–309
- 283. Cynic son of orator, s. 308–313