
Du skaffer selv

  • Berge, Kjell Lars 2008. ”Teksten.” I Asdal, Kristin o.a. Tekst og historie. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 33-68.
  • Cicero (2011). Cicero: De oratore: Book III. Edited by David Mankin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tacitus (2001). Tacitus: Dialogus de oratoribus. Edited by Roland Mayer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gj?res tilgjengelig i forbindelse med undervisningen

  • Barnes, T.D. 1986. “The Significance of Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 90, 225-244. (JSTOR)
  • Dugan, John 2009. “Rhetoric and the Roman Republic.” I: Gunderson, Erik (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 178-193.
  • G?rler, Woldemar 1988. “From Athens to Tusculum: Gleaning the Background of Cicero's De oratore.” Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 3/6, 215-35. (JSTOR)
  • Hall, Jon 1996. “Social Evasion and Aristocratic Manners in Cicero's "de Oratore". The American Journal of Philology, 1/117, 95-120. (JSTOR)
  • Hesk, Jon 2009. “Types of oratory.” In: Gunderson, Erik (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 145-161.
  • Possanza, Mark 1995. “A Crux in Tacitus "Dialogus" 5.3-4”. Phoenix, 2/49, 131-139. (JSTOR)

Du b?r ogs? ha tilgjengelig

Oversettelser av tekstene av Cicero og Tacitus, for eksempel:

  • Cicero (2001). On the ideal orator. Translated, with introduction, notes, appendixes, glossary, and indexes by James M. May and Jakob Wisse. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Engelsk)
  • Cicero (2003). Retoriske skrifter I: De oratore, Om taleren. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag. (F?rst utgitt 1979). (Dansk)
  • Cicero, Quintilian, Tacitus (2009). Romersk retorikk. Innleiing og omsetjing av Hermund Slaattelid. Oslo: Samlaget. (Norsk)

I tillegg b?r studentene kjenne til de grunnleggende begrepene i klassisk retorikk, for eksempel gjennom:

  • Andersen, ?ivind 1995. I retorikkens hage. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 19-54 (kapitel 2: “Retorisk kommunikasjon”).

Reading list for international students

Reading materials that you should bring to class

  • Cicero (2011). Cicero: De oratore: Book III. Edited by David Mankin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tacitus (2001). Tacitus: Dialogus de oratoribus. Edited by Roland Mayer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Reading materials that will be made available in class

  • Barnes, T.D. 1986. “The Significance of Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 90, 225-244. (JSTOR)
  • Dugan, John 2009. “Rhetoric and the Roman Republic.” I: Gunderson, Erik (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 178-193.
  • G?rler, Woldemar 1988. “From Athens to Tusculum: Gleaning the Background of Cicero's De oratore.” Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 3/6, 215-35. (JSTOR)
  • Hall, Jon 1996. “Social Evasion and Aristocratic Manners in Cicero's "de Oratore". The American Journal of Philology, 1/117, 95-120. (JSTOR)
  • Hesk, Jon 2009. “Types of oratory.” In: Gunderson, Erik (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 145-161.
  • Possanza, Mark 1995. “A Crux in Tacitus "Dialogus" 5.3-4”. Phoenix, 2/49, 131-139. (JSTOR)

You should also have access to Translations of Cicero and Tacitus, for example:

  • Cicero (2001). On the ideal orator. Translated, with introduction, notes, appendixes, glossary, and indexes by James M. May and Jakob Wisse. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Engelsk)
  • Tacitus (1914-1972). Tacitus in five volumes. Harvard, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Students should be familiar with the basic concepts of ancient rhetoric. They are explained in:

  • Sloane, Thomas A. (ed.) 2001. Encyclopedia of rhetoric. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Publisert 26. mars 2012 06:54 - Sist endret 29. mai 2012 14:35