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Ikonografi, identitet, ideologi.
Hoffkunsten i Frankrike og Burgund, ca.1350-1480
Inglis, Erik. Jean Fouquet and the Invention of France. Art and Nation after the Hundred Years War. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011 (280 sider).
Nash, Susie. Northern Renaissance Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008 (354 sider).
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Buettner, Brigitte. “Profane Illumination, Secular Illusions: Manuscripts in Late Medieval Courtly Society.” Art Bulletin, 74 (1992), 75-90 (16 sider).
Buettner, Brigitte. “Past Presents: New Year’s Gifts at the Valois Courts, ca.1400.” Art Bulletin, 83 (2001), 598-625 (28 sider).
Camille, Michael.“’For Our Devotion and Pleasure’: The Sexual Objects of Jean, Duc de Berry.” Art History, 24 (2001), 169-194 (26 sider).
Nash, Susie. “Claus Sluter’s ‘Well of Moses’ for the Chartreuse de Champmol Reconsidered: Part III.” Burlington Magazine, 150 (2008), 724-741 (18 sider).
Stephen Perkinson. “Engin and Artifice: Describing Creative Agency at the Court of France, ca. 1400.” Gesta, 41 (2002), 51-67 (17 sider).
Stephen Perkinson.“Rethinking the Origins of Portraiture.” Gesta, 46 (2007), 135-157 (26 sider).
Catherine Reynolds.“The Très Riches Heures, the Bedford workshop and Barthélemy
d'Eyck.” Burlington Magazine 147 (2005), 526-533 (8 sider).
Patricia Stirnemann og Claudia Rabel.“The Très Riches Heures and two Artists Associated with the Bedford Workshop.” Burlington Magazine, 147 (2005), 534-538 (5 sider).
Beth Williamson.“Altarpieces, Liturgy, and Devotion.” Speculum, 79 (2004), 341-406 (66 sider).
Clark, Gregory T.“The Influence of the Limbourg Brothers in France and the Southern Netherlands, 1400-1460.” I Dückers og Roelofs (red.), The Limbourg Brothers. Nijmegen Masters at the French Court, 1400-1416 (utstillingskatalog). Nijmegen: Ludion, 2005, 209-235 (27 sider).
Harbison, Craig.“Iconography and Iconology.” I Ridderbos, van Buren og van Veen (red.), Early Netherlandish Paintings. Rediscovery, Reception and Research. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2005, 378-406 + 436-438 (32 sider).
Hedeman, Anne D.“Presenting the Past: Visual Translation in Thirteenth– to Fifteenth Century France.” I Morrison og Hedeman (red.), Imagining the Past in France. History in Manuscript Painting 1250-1500 (utstillingskatalog). Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2010, 69-85 (17 sider).
Lorentz, Philippe et al. “Treasures of the Princes.” I Art from the Court of Burgundy. The Patronage of Philip the Bold and John the Fearless, 1364-1419 (utstillingskatalog). Paris: ?ditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux og Cleveland: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 2004, 95 -135 (41 sider).
Stirnemann, Patricia.“The King of Illuminated Manuscripts: The Très Riches Heures.” I Dückers og Roelofs (red.), The Limbourg Brothers. Nijmegen Masters at the French Court, 1400-1416. Nijmegen: Ludion, 2005, 113-119 (7 sider).