Syllabus/achievement requirements


A text compendium for KUN 2400/4400 is available at the Akademika bookstore.

Texts marked * are not in the compendium and will be available as pdf files in Canvas.


Exception: Blom, Ina. On the Style Site. Art Sociality and Media Culture, New York: Sternberg Press, 2007 (2009) 11-160.  This book can be purchased at Akademika or from, or borrowed from the University Library




READING LIST (obligatory)


Alpers, Svetlana, "Style is What You Make It: The Visual Arts Once Again", in Berel Lang (ed.) The Concept of Style, Cornell University Press, 1987, 137-162  


Basualdo, Carlos and Philippe Parreno: "Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World. A Conversation." In Philippe Parreno. Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World. Exhibition Catalogue, Koenig Books/Palais de Tokyo, 2015, 22-47   


Benjamin, Andrew, "Benjamin's Style. The Style that is Not Jugendstil", in Style and Time. Essays on the Politics of Appearance.  Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2006, 39-60


Bishop, Claire, "Antagonism and relational aesthetics" in October 100, Fall 004, 51-80


*Blom, Ina. On the Style Site. Art Sociality and Media Culture, New York: Sternberg Press, 2007 (2009) 11-160


Brehm, Margrit, "Killing Time" in Tobias Rehberger: Deaddies (exh. Cat.) Torino: Hopefulmonster, 2002, 41-51 


B?hme, Gernot, "Atmosphere as The Fundamental Concept of a New Aesthetics". Thesis Eleven, 1993:36, 113-126   


Cherubini, Laura, "Thresholds of Light. Tobias Rehberger, some traces in Italy",   in Tobias Rehberger: Deaddies, Torino: Hopefulmonster, 2002, 74-78 


Corbett, John, "Free, Single and Disengaged: Listening Pleasure and the Popular Music Object",  in Extended Play: Sounding Off From John Cage to Dr. Funkenstein (Durham/London: Duke University Press, 1994), 32—55.


*Dunne + Raby, "Real / Fiction", in Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Pierre Huyghe, Philippe Parreno. Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1999, 28-33  


Eno, Brian “Ambient Music,” in Christoph Cox and Daniel Warner (eds.), Audio Culture. Readings in Modern Music (New York: Continuum, 2004), 94—98.


Foster Hal, Design and Crime.  London: Verso 2011, 13-26  


Foster, Hal.  "Painting Unbound" in The Art/Architecture Complex, London: Verso, 182-213


Hebdige, Dick: Subculture: The Meaning of Style (London: Methuen, 1979), 113-127


Kahn, Douglas, “Track Organology,” in October 55 (1990), 67—78.


*Gillick, Liam, Literally No Place. Communes, Bars and Greenrooms. London: Book Works, 2002. 66 pages


Gillick, Liam, "Should the Future Help the Past", in Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Pierre Huyghe, Philippe Parreno. Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1999, 8-17


*Gillick, Liam, "Ill Tempo. The Corruption of Time in Recent Art" (1996), in Lionel Bovier (ed.) Liam Gillick, Proxemics. Selected Writings 1988-2006, Zurich and Dijon, JRP Ringier and Les presses du réel, 97-102


 Gillick, Liam, "Contingent Factors. A Response to Claire Bishop's "Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics", October 115, Winter 2006, 95-107


Gonzalez-Foerster, Dominique, "Tropicality", in Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Pierre Huyghe, Philippe Parreno. Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1999, 130-138


Gregg, Melissa and Gregory Seigworth, "An Inventory of Shimmers", in Gregg and Seigworth (eds), The Affect Theory Reader, Durham: Duke University Press, 2010, 1-25

25 sider


Grossberg, Lawrence, “Another Boring Day in Paradise: Rock and Roll and the Empowerment of Every- day Life,” in Gelder and Thornton, The Subcultures Reader (London: Routledge, 1997), 477—494.


Guattari, Felix, "The Ecosophic Object", in Chaosmosis. An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm. Trans. Paul Bains and Julian Pefanis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995, 119 - 135


Hansen, Mark, "Symbolizing Time: Kittler and Twenty-First-Centruy Media", in Stephen Sale and Laura Salisbury, Kittler Now. Current Perspectives in Kittles Studies, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015, 210-235 


Hansen, Mark, "Wearable Space", Configurations (2002) 10: 321-372


Hassan, Robert. “Timescapes of the Network Society.” Fast Capitalism 1, no. 1 (2005). Link

 Huyghe, Pierre and Philippe Parreno:  "The Story of a Feeling (Notes)", in Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Pierre Huyghe, Philippe Parreno. Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1999, 112-119


Jackson, Shannon, "Quality Time: Social Practice Debates in Contemporary Art", Social Works. Performing Art, Supporting Publics, London: Routledge, 2011, 43-74


Lang, Berel, ”Style as Instrument, Style as Person”, in Critical Inquiry Vol. 4, No. 4, Summer 1978.


Latour, Bruno From Realpolitik to Dingpolitik or How to Make Things Public, in Bruno Latour and Peter Weibl (eds.) Making Things Public. Atmospheres of Democracy, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005, 4-31


Lazzarato, Maurizio. “Machines to Crystallize Time.” Theory, Culture & Society 24, no. 6 (2007), 93–122. 


Mackay, Robin, Immaterials, Exhibition, Acceleration, in Yuk Hui and Andreas Broeckman (eds.), 30 Years After Les Immatériaux. Art, Science and Theory. 2015: Meson Press, 215-242 


McCarthy, Anna, Ambient Television. Visual Culture and Public Space, Durham: Duke University Press, 2001, 1-26 


McDonough, Tom, No Ghost, October 100, Fall 2004, 107-130


McLuhan, Marshall, "Housing: New Look and New Outlook " and "Television: The Timid Giant" , in Understanding Media. The Extensions of Man, The MIT Press, 1994.  123-130 and 308-337  


Mekouar, Mona, "Exhibition as Automaton" in Philippe Parreno. Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World. Exhibition Catalogue, Koenig Books/Palais de Tokyo, 2015, 136-145


*Moisdon-Trembley, Stéphanie, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Paris: Hazan, 2002, 7-9, 16-25, 44-47, 55-57, 67-71, 78-83


*Parreno, Philippe. "Snow Dancing", in Speech Bubbles.  Dijon: Les presses du réel, 2001, 41-63.  (Text in French, an English version will also be provided)


*Parreno, Philippe, "Sitcom Ghost", in Rirkrit Tiravanija. A Retrospective (Tomorrow is Another Fine Day), Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 2004, 99-116


Straw, Will, “Communities and Scenes in Popular Music,” in Gelder and Thornton, The Subcultures Reader (London: Routledge, 1997), 494—506.


*Tiravanija. Rirkrit, "No Ghosts in the Wall", in Rirkrit Tiravanija. A Retrospective (Tomorrow is Another Fine Day) , Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 2004, 50-92


Walton, Kendall L. "Style and the Products and Processes of Art, in Berel Lang (ed.) The Concept of Style, Cornell University Press, 1987, 72-103    


Weber, Samuel, Mass Mediauras. Art, Aura and Media in the Work of Walter Benjamin. (Ed. Alan Cholodenko), Stanford University Press, 1996, 77-107  


*Vaillant, Alexis and Isabel Varea, "The Multi-Faceted Cinema of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Issue 8 (Autumn/Winter 2003), 52-60


1032 pages



RECOMMENDED READING (non-obligatory)


Agamben, Giorgio, "Toward an Ontology of Style", e-flux journal #73, May 2016


Blackman, Lisa and Janet Harbord, "Technologies of Mediation and the Affective: A Case-study of the Mediated Environment of Mediacity UK, in Cognitive Architecture. From Biopolitics to Noopolitics. (ed. D. Hauptmann), Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2010, 302-322ackson,


Deleuze, Gilles, "Postscript to the Societies of Control". October 59 (Winter 1992, 3-7


Dyson, Frances, "Embodying Technology: From Sound Effect to Body Effect" and "Atmosphere", in Sounding New Media. Immersion and Embodiment in the Arts and Culture, Berkeley: University of California Press 2009, 136-157


Flynt, Henry, "The Lightworks of Marian Zazeela", Duckworth, William, and Richard Fleming. Sound and Light: La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela. New Jersey: Associated University Presses, 1996, 104-125


Foucault, Michel: "The Birth of Biopolitics", in Paul Rabinow (ed.) Michel Foucault: Ethics, Subjectivity and Truth, New York: The New Press, 1997, 73-79


Goodman, Nelson, “The Status of Style”, in Critical Inquiry, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1975


Lazzarato, Maurizio:  "From Biopower to Biopolitics", in Pli, The Warwick Journal of Philosophy 13 (2002), 100-112. Available on  Link


Lazzarato, Maurizio, "Introduction" in Gabriel Tarde. Underground. Fragments of Future Histories. Updated by Liam Gillick. Brussels and Dijon, Les Ma?tres de Forme Conotemporains and Les presses du réel, 9-19


Sontag, Susan, "On Style", in Against Interpretation and Other Essays. London: Penguin Classics, 2009, 15-37


Roche, Francois, "(Science) Fiction, Ecosophical Apparatus and Skizoid Machines. "Architectural Design, 2010, Vol. 80 (6), 64-71


Roche, Francois, "Machines for Rent. Experiments by New-Territories". Architectural Design, 2014, Vol. 84 (3), 116-125


Tarde, Gabriel, "Belief and Desire", in Gabriel Tarde On Communication and Social Influence. Selected Papers (ed. Terry N. Clark), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2010


Tarde, Gabriel, Underground Man, London: Hyperion, 1905 (NB Not in compendium, pdf for download in Classfronter)








Publisert 11. okt. 2017 11:00 - Sist endret 15. nov. 2017 16:01