
Litteraturliste KUN 4335



Vil foreligge til salgs p? kopiutsalget, Akademika. F?lg kopiutsalget p? twitter for beskjed om n?r kompendiet er ferdig. Husk studentbevis ved kj?p av kompendier.


Theodor W. Adorno, ?Det naturskj?nne? i Estetisk teori, Gyldendal, Oslo, 1998, s. 115 – 150


Roland Barthes, I tegnets tid, Oslo, Pax 1994, s. 20-21, 22-35, 49-62, 103-117, 131-137.


Walter Benjamin, “Historiskfilosofiske teser” nr. 6 og 14, I Walter Benjamin, Kulturindusti. Udvalgte Skrifter, Bibliotek Rhodos, K?benhavn, 1973, s. 183 og 189


Elisabeth Bronfen, ?The ‘most’ poetic topic?, Over Her Dead Body. Death, femininity and the aesthetic, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2006, s. 59– 75


Elisabeth Bronfen “The lady is a portrait”, Over Her Dead Body. Death, femininity and the aesthetic, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2006, s. 110–140


Hausken, Liv (2013) “Introduction”, i Hausken (red.) Thinking Media Aesthetics. Media studies, film studies and the arts, Peter Lang Academic research, ss.29-50.


Hausken, Liv (2013) “Doing media aesthetics. The case of Alice Miceli’s 88 from 14.000” i Hausken (red.) Thinking Media Aesthetics. Media studies, film studies and the arts, Peter Lang Academic research, ss.161-188.


Martin H?gglund, ”Introduction: Of Chronolibido” i Martin H?gglund, Dying for Time, Harvard University Press, Harvard 2012, s. 1 – 19


Paul Mattick Jr., “Beautiful and sublime”, Art in Its Time, Routledge, New York, s. 46–73


Jacques Rancière, ”Den emansiperte tilskuer”  i Jacques Rancières Den emansiperte tilskuer, Oslo, Pax 2012, s. 7-39


Hans Sedlmayr, “Analogia mori” og “Today as the Turning point in the History of Man” I Art in Crisis: The lost center, London: Transaction Publishers 2007, s. 147-69 og 236-42




Roland Barthes, Det lyse rommet, Pax 2001, 9-23, 34-75 og 115-118

Arnfinn B?-Rygg og Trond Berg Eriksen (red.), Klassisk estetisk teori, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2012,

Kjersti Bale og Arnfinn B?-Rygg, Estetisk teori. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2008

Jean-Luc Nancy, Listening. New York: Fordham University Press, 2007.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Tragediens f?dsel, med etterord af St?le Wiksh?land, Spartacus forlag, Oslo

Jacques Rancière, Aisthesis : Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art, London: Versus 2013

Virginia Woolf ”Sketch of the Past” i Virginia Woolf, Moments of Being, Autobiographical Writings, Pimolico, London, 2002.






Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

Nabokov, Speak, Memory

Nabokov, Ada




Publisert 19. mai 2015 18:30 - Sist endret 26. aug. 2015 13:35