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Clarke, Graham: The Photograph, 1997. Oxford History of Art. (246 s. III).

Barrett, Terry Michael: Criticizing Photographs: An Introduction to Understanding Images, 4th ed, New York: 2006. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Larsen, Peter: Album: Fotografiske motiver, Oslo:2004. Spartacus forlag. (side 29-40, 71-84, 105-119, 120-137, 138-167, 168-174, 176-193) Vil bli tilgjengelig som kompendium p? kopiutalget..

Marien, Mary Warner: Photography: A Cultural History, 3rd ed. , 2010. Prentice Hall.

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KUN 4240 tilleggspensum

Del 1


Kopisamling 4166

B. Newhall (ed.) "Excerpts" i: Photography: Essay & Images, 1980, New York. The Museum of Modern Art ss. 1-63. ISBN: 0-87070-385-4. (Tekster av Henry Peach Robinson; Charles Baudelaire; Lady Eastlake; Alfred Stieglitz; Ernst Juhl; Frederick H. Evans; Sadakichi Hartmann; Alvin Langdon Coburn; Paul Rosenfeld; Paul Strand; Edward Weston; Robert Desnos; Laszlo Moholy – Nagy; Nancy Newhall; Beamont Newhall) .

Sharf, Aron: "Excerps" i: Art and Photography, 1968 ss. 1 – 29. Allan Lane The Penguin Press . ISBN: 7139 – 0052 – 0.

Greenberg, Clement: "Ch. 28: The Camera?s Glass Eye: Review of an Exhibition of Edward Weston" i O?Brian, John: The Collected Essays and Criticism, 1986. The University of Chicago Press . ISBN:  0 – 226 – 30622 – 4. ss 60 – 64.

Thornton, Gene: "“The Place of Photography in the Western Pictorial Tradition: " i Heinrich Schwarz, Peter Galassi and John Szarkowski: History of Photography, 10 (2) 1986. Taylor & Francis Books Ltd. ISBN: ISSN: 0308 – 7298. ss. 85 – 98.

Galassi, Peter: "Before Photography" i Before Photography. Painting and the Invention of Photography, 1981. The Museum of Modern Art, new York. ISBN:  0 – 87070 – 254 – 8.. ss. 11 – 31.

Krauss, Rosalind E: "The Photographic Conditions of Surrealism & Photography?s Discursive Space" i Avant – Garde and Other Modernist Myths, 1986. The MIT Press . ISBN:  0 – 262 – 61046 – 9. ss. 87 – 118 og 118 – 150.

Snyder, Joel: "Ch. 6: Territorial Photography" i Mitchell, W. J. T (red): : Landscape of Power, 2002. The University of Chicago Press . ISBN:  0 – 226 – 53205 – 4. ss. 175 – 201.

Solomon- Godeau, Abigail: "Photography After Art Photography" i Wallis, Brian (red): : Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation, 1984. The Museum of Contemporary Art, New York . ISBN: 0 – 87923 – 632 – 9. ss. 75 – 85.

Arnheim, Rudolf: "On the Nature of Photography" i New Essays on the Psychology of Art: 1986. University of California Press . ISBN: 0 – 520 – 05554 – 3. ss. 102 – 114.

DEL 1, TOTALT 259 sider

Del 2

Azoulay, Ariella: "The Civil Contract of Photgraphy" i Brooklyn 2008, Zone Books. ss. 85 – 135.

Barthes, Roland: "Det lyse rommet, tanker om fotografiet" i Oslo 2001. Pax Forlag A/S, . s. 11 – 32; 39 – 40; 55 – 70.

Batchen, Geoffrey: "Camera Lucida: Another Little history of Photography" i Robin Kelsey and Blake Stimson (ed): The Meaning of Photography, Clark Studies Visual Arts, New Haven and London, 2005. Yale University Press. ss 76 - 91.

Benjamin, Walter: "Liten fotografihistorie" i Benjamin, Walter: Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen og andre essays, Oslo 1975. Gyldendal norsk forlag. ss. 65 - 79.

Bourdieu, Pierre: "The Social Definition of Photography" i Bourdieu, Pierre: Photography, A Middle – brow Art, 1996. Polity Press. ss. 73 - 98.

Buchloh, B. H. D.: "Gerhard Richter?s Atlas: The Anomic Archive" i Photography and Painting in the Work of Gerhard Richter, Barcelona 2000. Libres de Recerca. ss. 11 - 30.

Eco, Umberto: "Critique of the Image" i Burgin, Victor (ed.): Thinking Photography, Macmillan, London 1984. ss.32 – 38 .

Eisinger, Joel: "Ducumentary Photography" i Eisinger, Joel: Trace & Transformation, American Criticism of Photography in the Modernist Period, Albuquerque, 1995. University of New Mexico Press. ss. 79 – 115.

Gilbert - Rolfe, Jeremy: "The Atrraction: Painting and the Photographic Model" i Gilbert –Rolfe, Jeremy: Beauty and the Contemporary Sublime, New York 1999. Allworth Press. ss. 87 - 106.

Grundberg, Andy: "The Crisis of the Real" i Grundberg, Andy: Crisis of the Real, Writings on Photography since 1974, Aperture, 1999. ss. 2 - 18.

Kriebel, Sabine: "Theories of Photography A Short History" i James Elkins: Photography Theory, New York and London 2007. Routledge. ss. 3 – 49.

Larsen, Peter: "Barthes hos fris?ren" i Larsen, Peter: Album, Oslo 2004. Spartacus Forlag AS. ss. 251 - 270.

Owens, Craig: "Photography en abyme" i Owens, Craig: Beyond recognition, Berkely, Los Angeles, Oxford, 1992. University of California Press. ss. 16 - 30.

Sekula, Allan: "On the Invention of Photographic Meaning" i Burgin, Victor (ed.): Thinking Photography, Macmillan, London 1984. ss. 84 - 109 .

Trachtenberg, Alan: "Walker Evans Amerika" i Sj?lin, Jan – Gunnar: Att tolka bilder, Studentlitteratur, 1998. ss. 374 -387.

Artikkel i Jstor:

Kracauer, Siegfried: "Photography" i Critical Inquiry, Vol. 19, no 3 (Spring, 1993). ss. 421 - 436.

DEL 2, TOTALT 375 DEL 1 og Del 2 (inkl. art. i Jstor), 259 + 375 sider = 624 sider inkludert 100 sider illustrasjoner.


Publisert 15. okt. 2013 11:07 - Sist endret 23. okt. 2013 11:27