
Anne WIckstr?ms pensumliste:

Nochlin, Linda : Hvorfor har det ikke v?rt noen store kvinnelige kunstnere, 2002. Oslo : Pax. Pax artes ; nr 8 .

Espen Johnsens pensumliste:

Modernismens stil og historiografi:

Goldhagen, Sarah Williams: “Something to Talk About: Modernism, Discourse, Style.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, volume 64, nr. 2 june 2005, s. 144-167.

Tournikiotis, Panayotis: ”Introduction”, “The Art Historians and the Founding Genealogies of Modern Architecture.” The Historiography of Modern Architecture, MiT Press, 1999 s. 1- 49.

Metoder og teorier innen nyere arkitekturhistorie:

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. Architectural History 1999/2000. Special issue of JSAH, Volume 58, nr.3 September 1999. Her leses:

Introduction Blau, Eve:”Architectural History 1999/2000.A special issue of JSAH”, s. 278-280.

The Academy Payne, Alina A.: “Architectural History and the History of Art: A Suspended Dialogue”, s.292-300.

Friedman, Alice T.: “The Way You Do The Things You Do. Writing the History of Houses and Housing”, s. 406-413.

Groth, Paul: “Making New Connections in Vernacular Architecture”, s. 444-451.

Perspectives and Parameters McPhee, Sarah: “The Architect as Reader”, s. 454-461.

Colomina, Beatriz: “Collaborations. The Private Life of Modern Architecture”, s. 462-471.

Kinney, Leila W: “Fashion and Fabrication in Modern Architecture”, s.471-481.

Vidler, Anthony: ”Technologies of Space/Spaces of Technology”, s. 482-487.

Lavin, Sylvia: ”Theory into History; or, The Will to Anthology”, s. 494-499.

Leif Holm Monssens pensumliste

Panofsky, E: "Iconography and Iconology" i Panofsky, E: Meaning in the Visual Arts, 1995. New York. 51-81.

Panofsky, E: "The Concept of Artistic Volition" i, 1981. University of Chicago Press. s. 17-33.

Panofsky, E: "The Neoplatonic Movement and Michelangelo" i Panofsky, E: Studies in Iconology, 1967 (1939). New York : Harper & Row. s. 171-230.

Holly, Michael Ann : Panofsky and the foundations of art history, 1984. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press. kapitlene 4-6.

Baxandall, Michael : Patterns of intention : on the historical explanation of pictures, 1985. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press. Ikke kap. 3, ellers hele boken.

?ivind Storm Bjerkes pensumliste

Hans Belting: "The Unwelcome Heritage of modernism: Style and History", Art History after Modernism, 2003. The University of Chicago Press. s. 26-36. (10 s).

Hans Belting: "Methods and Games of an Academic Discipline", Art History after Modernism, 2003. The University of Chicago Press. s. 137-147. (10 s).

Henrik Cornell: "Formens problem", 1928. Almqvist og Wiksell. Opptrykk 1966, s. 36-69. Karakteriseringsproblemet i konstvetenskapen. (50 s).

Henri Focillon: "The worlds of Forms", The Life of Forms in Art, 1989. Zone Books. s. 31-63. (32 s).

Roger Fry : J. B. Bullen (ed): "An Essay in Aesthetics"; "The Artist's Vision", Vision and Design, 1981. Oxford University Press. s. 12-27, s. 33-38. (16 s).

Jonathan Gilmore: "Censorship, Autonomy, and Artistic Form", Art History, Aesthetics, Visual studies, 2002. Clark studies in visual arts, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts. s. 105-121. (16 s).

Gombrich: "Norm and Form, The Stylistic Categories of Art History and their Origins in renaissance ideals", Norm & Form, 1966. Phaidon. s. 81-98. (17 s).

Clement Greenberg: "Avant Garde and Kitsch", Collectet essays, Vol 1; "Towards a Newer Laocoon", Vol 1; "Modernist Painting", Vol 4. The Collected Essays and Criticism Vol 1-4, 1986-1993. The University of Chicago Press. s. 5-22; s. 23-38; s. 85-93. (40 s).

Hal Foster: "Antinomies in Art History", Design and Crime, 2002. Verso, London and New York. s. 83-93. (10 s).

Jonathan Harris: "Pure Formality: 1960s abstract painting", Writing Back to modern Art, 2005. Routledge, London and New York. s. 63-90. (27 s).

Meyer Schapiro: "On Some Problems in the Semiotics of Visual Art: Field and Vehicle in Image Signs"; On Perfection, Coherence and Unity of Form and Content", "Style", Theory and Philosophy of Art: Style, Artists, and Society, 1994. George Graziller Inch, New York. s. 1-102. (102 s).

Laurie Schneider Adam: "Formalism and Style", The Methologies of Art, 1996. Westview Press. s. 16-35. (19 s).

Leo Steinberg: "Preventive Esthetics", Other Criteria, 1972. Oxford University Press. s. 64-91 (27 s).

Heinrich W?lfflin: "Introduction"; "Linnear and Painterly, general Observations", Principles of Art History, 1950. Dover Publications, New York. s. 1-53 (53 s).

Pensum til Steinar Mathisens forelesninger

Barasch, Mosche: Modern Theories of Art I: From Winckelmann to Baudelaire, New York/London 1990. S. 98 - 122

Podoro, Michael: The Critical Historians of Art, New Haven/London1982. S. 1- 97

Publisert 24. okt. 2006 10:27 - Sist endret 28. mars 2007 15:45