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Margaret Iversen and Stephen Melville: Writing Art History. Disciplinary Departures, Chicago 2010. The University of Chicago Press. s. 38-200. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)


Holly, Michael Ann : Panofsky and the foundations of art history, 1985. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press. 267 s. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).





#Roland Barthes: "Cy Twombly: Works on Paper" i The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art and Representation, Berkeley 1991. University of California Press. s. 157-175 (18 s.)


#Susan Sontag: "Against Interpretation" i Against Interpretation and Other Essays: New York, London 1990, Anchor Books Boubleda. s. 3-14 (11 s.).




Erwin Panofsky, Perspective as Symbolic Form, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1991, 198 s. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).




#Michael Baxandall : Patterns of Intention. On the Historical Explanation of Pictures, Yale, Yale University Press, 1992, s. 74-104




Mieke Bal, Norman Bryson: "Semiotics and Art History: A Discussusion of Context and Senders" i Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press. pp. 243-256. (13 s). (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).


#Hans Belting : "Image, Medium, Body: A New Approach to Iconology" i Critical Inquiry 31. 2, Winter 2005. s. 302-319. (17)




Mary Kelly: "Re-Writing Modernist Criticism" i Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press. s. 352 – 355 (3 s.). (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).


Judith Butler: "Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminst Theory" i Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press . s. 356-366 (10 s.). (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).


#Lisa Cartwright: "Art. Feminism and Visual Culture" i : Ian Heywood and Barry Sandywell: The Handbook of Visual Culture, London, 2012. Berg. ISBN: 311-325, (14 s.).




Margaret Iversen: Alois Riegl: Art History and Theory, Cambridge 1993. MIT Press. (166 s) (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)


Hermeneutikk I


# Hans-Georg Gadamer: Sannhet og metode, Oslo, Pax forlag, 2012, s. 132-165 (33 s.)


Hermeneutikk II


#Gottfried Boehm , “Bidrag til en billedets hermeneutik” i: J?rgen Dehs (red.): ?stetiske teorier, Odense Universitetsforlag 1995. s, 181-202. (21 s)


#Gottfried Boehm: "Hinsides spr?ket" i Bente Larsen (red.): Estetik. Sansing, erkjennelse og verk, 2006. Unipub. s. 31-45. (14 s)



Visual Studies


James Elkins, “An Introduction to the Visual Studies That is Not in This Book,” Theorizing Visual Studies: Writing Through the Discipline (New York: Routledge, 2012), 3-15


Margaret Dikovitskaya, “Major Theoretical Frameworks in Visual Culture,” in The Handbook of Visual Culture, 68-89.


Excerpts from “Questionnaire on Visual Culture” in October 77 (Summer 1996): 25-70.


Horst Bredekamp, “A Neglected Tradition? Art History as Bildwissenschaft,” Critical Inquiry, vol. 29, no. 3 (Spring 2003): 418-428.






Angela Rosenthal, “She’s got the look! Eighteenth-Century female portrait painters and the psychology of a potentially dangerous employment,” Joanna Woodall, ed. Portraiture: Facing the Subject (Manchester University Press, 1997), 148-164.



Sigmund Freud, “Medusa Head (1922-23),” in Marjorie Garber and Nancy J. Vickers, eds. The Medusa Reader (Routledge, 2003), 84-86.


Sigmund Freud, “Recommendations to Physicians Practicing Psycho-Analysis,” in Classics in Psychoanalytic Techniques, ed. Robert Langs (New York: Rowan & Littlefield, 1990), pp.391-396.


Hubert Damisch. “Between Two Scenes,” in Whose Freud? The Place of Psychoanalysis in Contemporary Culture (Yale University Press, 2000), 93-95.



Roland Barthes



Roland Barthes, The Neutral (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005), pp. 1-14 and 29-36, 47-52, 169-181


Roland Barthes, The Preparation of the Novel (Columbia University Press, 2011)pp. , 23-28, 37-69


Roland Barthes, excerpts from How to Live Together (Columbia University Press, 2012)





Jacques Derrida, exerpts from The Truth in Painting, trans. Geoff Bennington and Ian McLeod (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1987)


Georges Didi Huberman, “Before the Image, Before Time: On the Sovereignty of Anachronism,” in Compelling Visuality: The Work of Art in and Out of Art History, ed. Claire Farago (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003), 31-44


“Deconstruction and the Limits of Interpretation,” in Donald Preziosi, ed. The Art of Art History (Oxford University Press, 2009), 284-315. Read the following: “The Origin of the Work of Art”; Meyer Schapiro, “The Still Life as Personal Object: A Note on Heidegger and Van Gogh”; Jacques Derrida, “Restitutions of the Truth in Pointing”)




Georges Didi-Huberman: Confronting Images, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005. s.1-51 og 219-271. (120 s) (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika) 




James D. Faubion, “Introduction” i Faubion & Rabinow, Michel Foucault. Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, New York, The New Press, 1994,s. xiii – xliii,  (31s)


Michel Foucault, “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History”, i Faubion & Rabinow, Michel Foucault. Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, New York, The New Press, 1994, s. 369-391 (23 s) 



Margaret Iversen and Stephen Melville: Writing Art History. Disciplinary Departures, Chicago 2010. The University of Chicago Press. s. 38-200. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)


Margaret Iversen: Alois Riegl: Art History and Theory, Cambridge 1993. MIT Press. (166 s) (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)



Michael Ann Holy: Panofsky and the foundations of art history, 1985. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press. 267 s. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).


Erwin Panofsky, Perspective as Symbolic Form, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1991, 198 s. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).



Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).




Publisert 16. mai 2018 11:18 - Sist endret 24. sep. 2018 08:32