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Pensum 4030, h?sten 2015

Fagl?rer: Bente Larsen


#Roland Barthes: "Cy Twombly: Works on Paper" i The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art and Representation, Berkeley 1991. University of California Press. s. 157-175 (18 s.) .

#Susan Sontag: "Against Interpretation" i Against Interpretation and Other Essays: New York, London 1990, Anchor Books Boubleda. s. 3-14 (11 s.).


Erwin Panofsky, Perspective as Symbolic Form, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1991, 198 s. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).


#Michael Baxandall : Patterns of Intention. On the Historical Explanation of Pictures, Yale, Yale University Press, 1992, s. 1-40. (40 s)


Mieke Bal, Norman Bryson: "Semiotics and Art History: A Discussusion of Context and Senders" i Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press. pp. 243-256. (13 s). (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).

#Hans Belting : "Image, Medium, Body: A New Approach to Iconology" i Critical Inquiry 31. 2, Winter 2005. s. 302-319. (17)

Visuel kultur

#Homi K. Bhabha: “Postmodernism/Postcolonialism” i Nelson & Shiff (ed.), Ctitical Terms for Art History, London, The University of Chicago Press, 2003, s. 435-452 (17 s)

#James D. Herbert: “Visual Culture/Visual Studies”, i Nelson & Shiff (ed.), Ctitical Terms for Art History, London, The University of Chicago Press, 2003, s. 452-465 (13 s)

#Nicholas Mirzoeff: “Introduction” i: Nicholas Mirzoeff (ed.), The Visual Culture Reader, London, Routledge, 2012, s.3 – 23 (20)

#Irit Rogoff “Studying Visual Culture” i: Nicholas Mirzoeff (ed.), The Visual Culture Reader, London, Routledge, 2012, s. 24 – 36 (12)

Aby Warburg, “Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North Americ”, The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press, s. 162-188 (26.)

Edgar Wind, “Warburg’s Concept of Kulturwissenschaft and ist Meaning for Aesthetics“, The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press, s 189-194 (5 s.)

New Art History

Jonathan Harris, The New Art History. A Critical Introduction”, London, Routledge, 2001, s. 1-126 (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)


Mary Kelly: "Re-Writing Modernist Criticism" i Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press. s. 352 – 355 (3 s.). (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).

Judith Butler: "Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminst Theory" i Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press . s. 356-366 (10 s.). (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).

#Lisa Cartwright: "Art. Feminism and Visual Culture" i : Ian Heywood and Barry Sandywell: The Handbook of Visual Culture, London, 2012. Berg. ISBN: 311-325, (14 s.).


Margaret Iversen: Alois Riegl: Art History and Theory, Cambridge 1993. MIT Press. (166 s) (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)

Hermeneutikk I

# Hans-Georg Gadamer: Sannhet og metode, Oslo, Pax forlag, 2012, s. 132-165 (33 s.)

Hermeneutikk II

#Gottfried Boehm , “Bidrag til en billedets hermeneutik” i: J?rgen Dehs (red.): ?stetiske teorier, Odense Universitetsforlag 1995. s, 181-202. (21 s)

#Gottfried Boehm: "Hinsides spr?ket" i Bente Larsen (red.): Estetik. Sansing, erkjennelse og verk, 2006. Unipub. s. 31-45. (14 s)

#Nicholas Davey, “The hermeneutics of seeing”, i Heywood & Sandywell, Interpreting Visual Culture, London, Routledge, 1999, s. 3 – 30. (27 s)


#James D. Faubion, “Introduction” i Faubion & Rabinow, Michel Foucault. Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, New York, The New Press, 1994,s. xiii – xliii,  (31s)

#Michel Foucault, “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History”, i Faubion & Rabinow, Michel Foucault. Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, New York, The New Press, 1994, s. 369-391 (23 s)


#Barthes, Roland, “The Death of The Author”, i: Image, Music, Text (Red) Heath, Stephen,   1977, ss. 142-148.

#T.J.Clark, “The Conditions of Artistic Creation,” i: Art History and its methods. A crtical anthology. New York, Phaidon, 1995, s. 245-253. (9 s.)

#Michel Foucault, “Hva er en forfatter?”, i Atle Kittang Moderne litteraturteori. En Antologi. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, s. 2008, 287-302 (13. s.)


Jacques Derrida: ?Signature, Event, Context?, Margins of Philosophy. (Deles ut i forelesningen).

Blikk og betydning

Georges Didi-Huberman: Confronting Images, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005. s.1-51 og 219-271. (120 s) (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)


Margaret Iversen and Stephen Melville: Writing Art History. Disciplinary Departures, Chicago 2010. The University of Chicago Press. s. 38-200. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika)

#Hans Belting, Art History after Modernism, London, The Unversity of Chicago Press, 2003, s. 3 – 25

Holly, Michael Ann : Panofsky and the foundations of art history, 1985. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press. 267 s. (Bok kan kj?pes p? Akademika).



Publisert 24. apr. 2015 16:10 - Sist endret 28. mai 2015 16:48