
Krill, John: English Artists’ Paper. 2nd revised ed. , 2002. Delaware: Oak Knoll Press and the Winterthur Museum. Innledende kapitler, 1-71. (72 sider). .

Saff, Donald og Deli Sacilotto: Printmaking: History and Process, 1978. Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers. (430 sider).

Valgfri h?ndbok om grafiske teknikker, forslag:

Gascoigne, Bamber: How to Identify Prints, London, (1986) 2004. Thames and Hudson.

Martin, Judy: The Encyclopedia of Printmaking Techniques, (1993) 2001. Wellwood: Search Press Ltd.

  • eller annen tilsvarende

Artikler fra

New Series, Vol. 64, No. 1, Rembrandt and His Circle: ”Drawings and Prints” (Summer, 2006): 3-48. Published by: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (46 sider)

Vol. 12, No. 1, Hayter and Studio 17 (Aug., 1944), ”Techniques of Gravure”: 6-13. Published by: The Museum of Modern Art (8 sider)

Archives of American Art Journal Vol. 18, No. 1 (1978), ”The Impact of Stanley William Hayter on Post-War American Art”: 2-11 Published by: The Smithsonian Institution (10 sider)

Eighteenth-Century Studies Vol. 34, No. 2, Antiquarians, Connoisseurs, and Collectors (Winter, 2001), ”Piranesi’s Double Ruin: 161-180. Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Sponsor: American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ASECS). (20 sider)

The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery Vol. 57, Place and Culture in Northern Art (1999), ”The Role of Printmaking in Utrecht during First Half of the Seventeenth-Century: 105-132. Published by: The Walters Art Museum (38 sider)

PDF i Fronter

Helliesen, Sidsel:”Norsk grafikk. Et ungt skudd p? en gammel stamme”, 15-16. ”Forutsetninger hjemme. Norsk grafikk f?r 1890”, 17-30. ”Fra h?ndverksfag til kunstnerisk disiplin: Johan Nordhagen”, 55-62. ”Radérklassens opprettelse og de f?rste ?rene”, 63-70. ”Raaderklassens fortsettelse”, 77-86. ”Grafikkens k?r. De f?rste to ti?rene, 123-130. ”En fremmed fugl med stort vingespenn: Rolf Nesch”, 153-168. Noter, 307-308, 310-315, 320-321, 324. I Norsk grafikk gjennom 100 ?r. Oslo: Aschehoug, 2000. [78 sider]

Johannesson, Lena: Signums svenska konsthistoria, Konsten 1845-1890, Lund 2000. Bokf?rlaget Signum. ”Den grafiska bildkulturen,” Bind X side 473-514, Noter s 679-680 (44 sider).

Woll, Gerd: Edward Munch. The Complete Graphic Works, London, 2001. Philip Wilson Publishers i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med Munch-museet. ”Fifty Years of Printmaking,” (s 6-29) (24 sider).

Selvvalgt litteratur til mappe-oppgave ca. 300 sider.

Publisert 26. okt. 2010 15:41 - Sist endret 4. jan. 2011 13:54