Syllabus/achievement requirements

Tematisk inndelt pensumliste. B?ker listet f?rst (n?r aktuelt), etterfulgt av artikler.
Omfang pensum: Kjernepensum: ca. 900 sider. Selvvalgt pensum: 150 sider.


Medier og representasjon

Pallasmaa, Juhani: The Embodied Image.  Imagination and Imagery in Architecture. Wiley, 2011. 152 sider.  (ISBN: 978-0-470-71190-3)


Barthes, Roland. “Rhetoric of the Image”. In Image – music –text, 32-51. London: Fontana Press,1977. 20 sider.

Colomina, Beatriz.“The Media House”, Assemblage, no. 27, Tulane Papers: The Politics of Contemporary Architectural Discourse (August 1995): 55-66. 12 sider. Se JSTOR.

Drexler, Arthur: “Engineer?s Architecture: Truth and its Consequenses.” I A. Drexler (red.):      The Architecture of the Ecole Beaux- Arts, London, 1984. Secker & Warburg. S. 13-59. 46 sider.

Evans, Robin; MIES VAN DER ROHE'S PARADOXICAL SYMMETRIES, AA Files, No. 19 (Spring 1990), pp. 56-68. 12 sider.

Higgot, Andrew. “Making it new: The discourses of architecture and modernism in Britain”, 4-32. Mediated Modernism: Architectural Culture in Britain. London: Routledge, 2007.) 27 sider.

Whyte, William. “How Do Buildings Mean? Some Issues of Interpretation in the History of Architecture”. History and Theory 45, no. 2 (May 2006): 153-177.  24 sider. Se JSTOR.


Bingham, Neil: 100 Years of Architectural Drawing: 1900–2000. Laurence King. 2013. (300 s, dominert av illustrasjoner, ca 50 s tekst).

Cook, Peter: Drawing: the motive force of architecture, Wiley, 2 edition. Her leses Chapter, 1,2,3 og 4, (s. 10-90, totalt 80 sider)


Ackerman, James: “Introduction; The Conventions and Rhetoric of Architectural Drawing” s. 1-29.  29 s.

Anderson, Alex T: “On the Human Figure in Architectural Representation”, Journal of Architectural Education (1984-), Vol. 55, No. 4 (May, 2002), pp. 238-246 (8s)

Benton, Tim. “Drawings and clients: Le Corbusier’s atelier methodology in the 1920s”. AA Files, no.3 (January 1983) : 42-50. 7 sider. Se JSTOR.

Brooks, Allen H. “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Wasmuth Drawings”. The Art Bulletin 48, no.2 (June 1966): 193-202. 10 sider. Se JSTOR.

Brooks, Allen H. “Architectural Drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright”, The Burlington Magazine 104, no.710 (May 1962): 210-212. 3 sider. Se JSTOR.

Evans, Robin: “Translations for Drawing to Building.” AA Files, no 12, 1986, s. 3-18.   (15 s)


Herbert, Daniel M.:”Study Drawings in Architectural Design. Their Properties as a Graphic Medium.”  Journal of Architectural Education (1984-), Vol. 41, No. 2 (Winter, 1988), pp. 26-38. (12 s)

Hewitt, Mark:”Representational Forms and Modes of Conception: An Approach to the History of Architectural Drawing.” Journal of Architectural Education, 1985, p.2-9.  (7 sider)

Hewitt, Mark A:The Imaginary Mountain: The Significance of Contour in Alvar Aalto's Sketches. Perspecta Vol. 25 (1989), p. 162-177 (15 s)

Perez-Gomes, Alberto:”Architecture as Drawing”, JAE vol. 36, no 2. 1982, s. 2-7.  (5 sider)


Pérez-Gómez, Alberto and Louise Pelletier: ?Prelude. Mapping the Question : The Perspective Hinge ?. I : Architectural Representation and the Perspective Hinge. MIT, paperback edition 2000., p.2-10, (8 s)


Colomina, Beatriz: "Le Corbusier and Photography" i Assemblage , No. 4 (Oct., 1987). pp. 6- 23. 17sider. Se JSTOR.

Elwall, Robert. “New eyes for old: Architectural photography”. Twentieth Century Architecture, no.8, British modern: Architecture and design in the 1930s (2007): 52-68. 17 sider. Se JSTOR.

Frampton, Kenneth. “A note on photography and its influence on architecture”. Perspecta 22, Paradigms of architecture (1989): 38-41. 3 sider. Se JSTOR.

Levine, Neil: "The Significance of Facts ": Mies's Collages up Close and Personal" i Assemblage , No. 37 (Dec., 1998). pp. 70-101. 31 sider. Se JSTOR.

Naegele, Daniel. "Object, Image, Aura: Le Corbusier and the architecture of photography ". Harvard Design Journal, no. 6 (Fall 1998): 1-6. 6 sider.

Niedenthal, Simon. “Glamorized houses: Neutra, photography and the Kaufman house”. Journal of Architectural Education 47, no.2 (November 1993): 101-112. 11 sider. Se JSTOR.

Zimmerman, Claire. “Photographic modern architecture: Inside ‘the new deep’”. The Journal of Architecture 9, no.3 (February 2007): 331-354. 24 sider. Se JSTOR.

________. “The monster magnified: Architectural photography as visual hyperbole”. Perspecta 40, Monster (2008): 136-147. 12 sider. Se JSTOR.


Chattopadhyay, Swati. “Architectural representations, changing technologies, and conceptual extensions”. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 71, no.3, Special issue on Architectural representations I (September 2012): 270-271. 3 sider. Se JSTOR.

Mc Laren, Brian. “Under the sign of reproduction”. Journal of Architectural Education 45, no.2 (February 1992): 98-106. 7 sider. Se JSTOR.

Schwarzer, Mitchell. “History and Theory in Architectural Periodicals: Assembling Oppositions”. Journal of Architectural Education 58, no.3 (1999): 342-348. 7 sider. Se JSTOR.



Boone, Veronique. “The Promise of the Radiant City: The Visual Media Campaign for the Unité d’habitation in Marseille”. In Le Corbusier and the Power of Photography, edited by Herschdorfer and Umst?tter, 114-131. Paris: ?ditions de la Villette/Fondation Le Corbusier, 2014. 8 sider

Elwall, Robert. Building with Light: The International History of Architectural Photography. London: Merrell, 2004. Kap 4 og5: 120-129; 156-163. 18 sider.

Colomina, Beatriz. “Introduction: On architecture, production and reproduction”, Architectureproduction, edited by Beatriz Colomina, 7-23. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1988. 17 sider.

Higgot, Andrew and Timothy Wray (eds), Camera Constructs: Photography, Architecture and the Modern City. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. 1-18. 18 sider.

Rosa, Joseph. A constructed view: the architectural photography of Julius Shulman. New York: Rizzoli, 1994. S.69-102. 13 sider tekst. (ss.: 69-70, 74, 76-77, 79, 85-86, 88, 90, 95-96, 102 + fotnoter: 107- 110.)


Deriu, Davide. “Transforming Ideas into Pictures: Model Photography and Modern Architecture”. In Camera Constructs: Photography, Architecture and the Modern City, edited by Andrew Higgott and Timothy Wray, 159-178. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. 20 sider.

Sachsse, Rolf. “A Short History of Architectural Model Photography”. In The Architectural Model. Tool Fetish Small Utopia, edited by Oliver Elser and Peter Cachola Schmal, 23-28. Zurich: Scheidegger and Spiess, 2012. 6 sider.


Cohen, Jean-Louis.  “Models and the exhibition of architecture”, 25-33. In Feireiss, Kristin et al, eds. The art of architecture exhibitions. Rotterdam: Nai Publishers, 2001. 9 sider.

Moon, Karen. Modeling messages: The architect and the model. New York: Monacelli Press, 2005. Kapittel 1, 3-5. S.:11-32; 51-136. 109 sider.

Pommer, Richard. “The Idea of ‘The Idea as Model’”. In Idea as Model, edited by Kenneth Frampton and Silvia Kolbowski, 3-9. New York: Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies and Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 1981. 7 sider.


De Smet, Catherine. ”Beware printer: Photograpy and the printed page“, 56- 66. In Herschdorfer, Nathalie and Lada Umst?tter, eds. Le Corbusier and the Power of Photography. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012. 7 sider.

Serriano, Pierluigi. “Photography and the Emergence of American Modernism: From the earliest international style to the 70s”. In Pierluigi Serriano and Julius Shulman, Julius Shulman: Modernism Rediscovered, 6-9. Cologne: Taschen, 2009. 4 sider.

Anbefalt tilleggs-/st?ttepensum

Colquhoun, Alan, Modern Architecture, Oxford 2002. (288 p.).

Curtis, Curtis, Modern Architecture since 1900, Phaidon press Ltd. 400 s.

Herschman, Joel and Cervin Robinson.  Architecture Transformed: A History of Buildings from 1839 to the Present. New York: The architectural league of New York, 1988.

Lipstadt, Hélène. “Architecture and its image: Notes towards the definition of architectural publication”. Architectural Design 59, no. 3-4 (1991): 13-23.



Publisert 3. nov. 2015 11:59 - Sist endret 19. jan. 2016 14:29