
Felles litteraturliste for KUN2122/KUN4122 (ca. 900s):

Hartt, Frederick : History of Italian Renaissance art : painting, sculpture, architecture , 1987 (fjerde utg. og senere utg.. London : Thames and Hudson. Kap. 18 ("High Renaissance and Mannerism") og 19 ("High and Late Renaissance in Venice and on the Mainland").

Blunt, A.: Artistic theory in Italy : 1450-1600 , 1956 (og senere utg.). Kap. VII, VIII, IX.

Litteratur samlet i kopisamlingens deler 1, 2 og 3 (Unipubkompendier)

: "Michelangelo: The Medici Chapel" i Pope-Hennessy, John : An introduction to Italian sculpture , 1996. London : Phaidon Press. Vol. III, .

Avery, Charles : Giambologna : the complete sculpture , 1987. Oxford : Phaidon. kapitlene 6, 8 og 14, s. 63-73, 97-109, 167-177, 243-246.

Pope-Hennessy, John : Cellini , 1985. London : Macmillan. Kap. VII, s. 162-213, 305-307.

Franklin, David : Rosso in Italy : the Italian career of Rosso Fiorentino , 1994. New Haven : Yale University Press. kap. 3, s. 54-83, 276-278.

Nichols, Tom : Tintoretto : tradition and identity , 1999. London : Reaktion Books. kap. 5, s. 175-237, 260-263.

Cropper, E.: "Introduction" i Craigh Hugh Smyth: Mannerism and maniera, 1992. Vienna : Irsa. s. 12-21, 104-107.

Hall, Marcia B. : Color and meaning : practice and theory in Renaissance painting , 1992. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. s. 149-179, 253-255.

Brock, Maurice: Bronzino, 2002. Paris : Flammarion. kap. VI (s. 212-237, 334-335).

: "The Counter-reformation and Mannerism" i Pevsner, Nikolaus : Studies in art, architecture, and design, 1968. London : Thames & Hudson. s. 10-33, 237-238.

Treves, M.: "Maniera the History of a Word" i Marsayas, 1941. 1, s. 69-88.

SMyth, C. H.: "Mannerism and Maniera" i The Renaissance and mannerism, 1963. s. 174-199.

Shearman, J.: "Maniera as an Aesthetic Ideal" i The Renaissance and mannerism. , 1963. s. 200-221, + ill..

Moreno, I. L. : "Pontormo's Passion Cycle at the Certosa" i Art Bulletin, 1981. College Art Association.. s. 308-313.

Steinberg, L.: "Pontormo's Capponi Chapel" i Art Bulletin, 1974. s. 385-400.

Jenkins, M.: "The Iconography of the Hall of the Consistory in the Palazzo Pubblico" i Art Bulletin, 1972. s. 430-51.

Partridge, L.: "The Sala d'Ercole in the Villa Farnese at Caprarola" i Art Bulletin, 1971. College Art Association.. s. 467-86.

Cheney, I.: "Giorgi Vasari's Sala di Cento Giorni. A Farnese Celebration" i Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 1955. xxi, s. 121-55.

Robertson, C. : "Annibal Caro as Iconographer: Sources and Method" i Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes , 1982. 45, s. 160-181, figs 25-27.

Forster, K. W.: "Metaphors of Rule: Political Ideology and History in the Portraits of Cosimo I de'Medici" i Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, 1971. xv, s. 65-105.

Rubin, P.: "The Private Chapel of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese in the Cancelleria, Rome" i Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1987. s. 82-112.

Nova, A.: "Francesco Salvati and the 'Markgrafen' Chapel in S. Maria dell'Anima" i Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, 1981. xxv, s. 355-372.

Steinberg, Leo: "Michelangelo's Last Judgement as Merciful Heresy" i Art in America, 1975. New York : Brant Art. lxiii, s. 48-63.

Hall, M. : "Michelangelo's Last Judgement: Resurrection of the Body and Predestination" i Art Bulletin, 1976. College Art Association. lviii, s. 48-63.

Wallace, W. E.: "Narrative and Religious Expression in Michelangelo's Pauline Chapel" i Artibus et historiae , 1989. x/19, s. 107-12.

Monssen, L.H.: "Rex gloriose martyrum: A Contribution to Jesuit Iconography" i Art Bulletin, 1981. College Art Association. lxIII, s. 130-137.

Shearman, John : Mannerism, 1979 (1967). Harmondsworth : Penguin,. kap. 2, 49-79; 193-196.

Publisert 2. apr. 2009 14:27 - Sist endret 5. juni 2009 16:29