
De deler av pensum som er merket (1) og (2) er ? finne i Unipubkompendiene Del 1 og Del 2.


Murray, Peter: The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance, New York 1966. 286 s.

Teori og Typologi

Kruft, Hanno-Walter: A History of Architectural Theory, London 1993. s. 41-104 = 60 s.

Alberti, Leone Battista: De Re Aedificatoria, London 1955. (engelsk oversettelse ved J. Ryckwert et al.) B?kene I, IV, V, IX = 120 s.

(1) Sinding-Larsen, Staale: Some Functional and Iconographical Aspects of the Centralized Church in the Italian Renaissance, ?Acta ad Archaelogiam et artivm historiam pertinentia?, vol. 2 , 1965. s. 203 - 252 = 50 s..

(1) Wittkower, R: Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, (1949) Academy Editions 1998. Del 1= ca. 30 s.


Summerson, John: The Classical Language of Architecture, Thames and Hudson 1980. Kapitlene 1 - 4 = 40 s.

(1) Lotz,W.: Mannerism in Architecture,? Acts of the Twentieth International Congress of the History of Art ?, vol. 2, Princeton 1963. 239 - 247 = 10 s.


(1) Morris, A. E. J.: History of Urban Form, Longman 1997. s. 157 - 190 = 30 s.

(1) Adams, N. og Nussdorfer, L: The Italian City, 1400-1600, i Millon,Henry A.ed. ?The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo. The Representation of Architecture?, Thames and Hudson 1994. s. 205 - 233 = 12 s.

(1) La Croix, H. de: Military Architecture and the Radical City Plan in Sixteenth Century Italy, ?The Art Bulletin? , 1960. s. 263 - 290 = 30 s.

Ackerman, James S.: The Architecture of Michelangelo, Penguin 1970 og senere. Kap. 6: The Capitoline Hill, 139 - 175 = ca. 20 s.

Mack, Charles R.: Pienza: the Creation of a Renaissance City, New York 1987. 150 s.

Palass og Villa

(1) Frommel, Christoph L.: ?Living all`antica? : Palaces and Villas from Brunelleschi to Bramante, I Millon ed. (som over), s. 205 - 233 = 14 s.

(2) Bruschi, Arnaldo: Bramante, London 1977. Kap. 6: Il Belvedere = ca. 30 s.

Ackerman, James S.: The Architecture of Michelangelo, Penguin 1970 og senere. Kap 7: The Farnese Palace; s. 175 - 199 = ca. 20 s .

(1) Pellecchia, L.: The Patron`s Role in the Production of Architecture: Bartolomeo Scala and the Scala Palace, ?Renaissance Quarterly?, vol. XXLII, nr. 2; 258 - 91 = 30 s.

Tavernor, R.: Palladio and Palladianism, London 1991. Del 1 - 3 = 70 s.

(1) Coffin, David R.: The Plans of the Villa Madama, ?The Art Bulletin?, 1967. s. 111 - 122 = 10 s.

(1) Shearman, J.: Functional Representation of the Villa Madama, I R?misches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte, 1983. vol. 20, 313 - 27 = 20 s.

(1) Shearman, J.: Functional Representation of the Villa Madama, I: R?misches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte , 1983 vol. 20, 313 - 27 = 20 s


(2) Bruschi, Arnaldo: Religious Architecture in Renaissance Italy from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo, I Millon ed. (se ovenfor), s. 123 - 183 = 30 s.

(2) Bruschi, Arnaldo: Bramante, London 1977. Kap. 8 - 10 (Tempietto og St Pietro) = 50 s.

Ackerman, James S.: Michelangelo, Penguin 1970 og senere. Kap. 8: The Basilica of St Peter, 199 - 227 = 20 s.

(2) Ackerman, James S.: The Gesù in the Light of Contemporary Church Design, New York 1972. I Wittkower, R. og Jaffe ed.s, ?The Baroque. The Jesuit Contribution", s. 15 - 30 = 15 s.

(2) Lehmann, P. W.: The Basilica Aemilia and S.Biagio at Montepulciano, ?The Art Bulletin ?, 1982. s. 124 - 131 = 7 s.

Publisert 7. mars 2005 16:55