
CURRICULUM KUN 2070/ 4070 ART 1950-2000

The mandatory reading list is about 1060 pages long and refers to books and a compendium publication (KUNST 1950-2000 I-VII, Unipub) that should be available at the Akademika bookstore.  As you will discover, the reading list and the compendium include a number of important texts that are not mandatory but of high relevance to all students who wish to go deeper into the subjects. This applies in particular to MA students who write their dissertation on postwar art or BA students planning a future MA degree on this topic. The reading list below shows which texts are relevant for each lecture. Titles marked * will be found in the compendium KUNST 1950-2000 I-VII.



Crow, Thomas: The Rise of the Sixties, 7-192 (Available at                                        

Foster, Hal: The Return of the Real, the MIT Press, 1996 35 -169, chapters 2-5          

Art in Theory 1900-1910 An Anthology of Changing Ideas, Ed. Charles Harrison & Paul Wood, Blackwell Publishers 1992. (AiT in the reading list)

Brun, Hans Jacob: "Etterkrigstid" in Norges Malerkunst, vol. 2 


Krauss, Rosalind, Passages in Modern Sculpture, MIT Press 1977, particularly chapters 3, 5 and 7 

Krauss Rosalind, The Originality of the Avant-garde and other Modernist Myths, MIT Press, 1985                                                                                                                                                       



Crow, Thomas (1996): The Rise of the Sixties, 1996, 7-192

Habermas, Jürgen:  “Modernity” - An Incomplete Project” (1980) AiT:1000-1008           

Lyotard, Jean Francois: ”What Is Postmodernism?” (1982) AiT:1008-1015                           

Greenberg, Clement:

“Avant-garde and Kitsch” (1939), AiT: 529-540

“Towards a Newer Laocoon” (1940), AiT: 554-560    

“Modernist Painting” (1961), AiT: 754-760                  

Adorno, Theodor:  From ”Commitment” (1962), AiT: 760-764

Fried, Michael, ”Three American Painters” (1965), AiT 769-775



*Clark, T.J., ”The Unhappy Consciousness”, in Farewell to an Idea. Episodes from a History of Modernism, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999, 299-369   (Kompendium: Del 1 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070826)                         

* Krauss, Rosalind, ”Jackson Pollock’s Agency”, in Gaehtgens, Thomas W. (ed.) Künstlerischer Austtausch. Akten des XXVIII. Internationalen Kongresses für Kunstgeschichte Berlin, July 1992, vol. II, 329-338   (Kompendium: Del 1 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070826)                                              


*Kaprow, Allan, ”The Legacy of Jackson Pollock”, in Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993, 1-9  (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)               

*Jones, Amelia, ”The ’Pollockian Performative’ and the Revision of the Modernist Subject”, in Body Art. Performing the Subject, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998, 53-77 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)               

* Rosenberg, Harold, ”The American Action Painters” (1952), in The Tradition of the New, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965 (1959), 23-29 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)                                                    



*Jones, Amelia, “Preface” in Postmodernism and the Engendering of Marcel Duchamp, xi-xviii + 29-62 (Kompendium: Del 1 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070826) 

*De Duve, Thierry, ”The Readymade and the Tube of Paint”, in Kant after Duchamp, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1996, 149-196 (Kompendium: Del 1 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070826)         


Krauss, Rosalind. (1977), s. 69-84

*Duchamp, Marcel, ”Apropos of ’Readymades’”, 1966, in Sanouillet; Michel (ed.), The Writings of Marcel Duchamp, 1973, 141-142 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)                                          

*Cabanne, Pierre, ”A Window onto Something Else”, in Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp  New York: Da Capo, 1971/1967, 28-51 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)                                                                           



*Buchloh, Benjamin H.D., ”Andy Warhol’s One-Dimensional Art”, 39-61 (Kompendium: Del 1 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070826) 

*Crow, Thomas, ”Saturday Disasters: Trace and Reference in Early Warhol”, in Modern  (Kompendium: Del 1 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070826) 

Art in the Modern Common Culture, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996, 49-65

Foster, Hal, The Return of the Real, 127-136.


*McShine, Kynaston, ”Introduction” Fra Andy Warhol: A Retrospective, MoMA, New York, 1989, 13-23 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)               

*Crimp, Douglas, ”Getting the Warhol We Deserve”, Social Text 59, Vol.17, No. 2, Summer 1999, 49-65 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)               

*Flatley, Jonathan, ”Warhol Gives Good Face: Publicity and the Politics of Prosopopeia”, in Jennifer Doyle Pop Out. Queer Warhol, 1996, 101-133 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)               

*Warhol, Andy, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, 1975, 77-85, 91-103 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 1 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070857)               



*Fried, Michael: "Art and Objecthood", AiT, 822-834 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)                         

Hal Foster: "The Crux of Minimalism", from The Return of the Real

*Judd, Donald: "Specific Objects", 1965, AiT, 809-813 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2,EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)  

*Morris, Robert ”Notes on Sculpture”: Part I, II,III, AiT, 813-823 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)  


*Meyer, James: "Survey", in Minimalism, ed. James Meyer, Phaidon, 2000, 14-45 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871)  

*Merleau-Ponty, Maurice: "Egenkroppens syntese" incl. "Kroppens enhet og kunstverkets enhet" and "Den perceptuelle vane som tilegnelse av en verden", in Kroppens fenomenologi, Pax 1994, 104-112 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871) 

*Sandqvist, Tom: "Den bokstavliga gestaltens specifika objekt " and "Rommet och kroppen" in Den meningsl?sa kuben, 315-321 and 375-382 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871) 

*Wollheim, Richard: "Minimal  Art", 1965, Minimal Art. A Critical Anthology, ed. Gregory Battcock: 387-400 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871) 

*Morris, Robert, "Anti-Form", in Minimalism, ed. Meyer, 243-44 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN nr.9028220 070871)                                                                                                            

*Smithson, Robert, “Entropy and the New Monuments”, in Robert Smithson: The Collected Writings, ed. Jack Flam, 10-23 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871) 

*LeWitt, Sol: "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art") AiT, 834-837 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)    

Krauss, Rosalind, "The Double Negative: a new syntax for sculpture", in Passages in Modern Sculpture.

*Chave, Anne C: "Minimalism and the Rhetoric of Power" i Minimalism ed. Meyer, 275-285 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871) 

* Wallenstein, Sven-Olov: "Det utvidgade f?ltet – fr?n h?gmodernism till konceptualism", in Konsten och  konstbegreppet",  Kungl. Konsth?gskolan, Stockholm, 1996, 117-153  (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871)                                                                                                                        



*Craig Owens:"Earthwords", reprinted from October 10, 1979, 120-132 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888) 

*Krauss, Rosalind, "Sculpture in the Expanded Field", The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other  Modernist Myths, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1985, 276-291 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)                             


*Hobbs, Robert: Robert Smithson: Retrospective, ARC Musée d`Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1982/83, 11-19 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871)                                                                                                        

* Kastner, Jeffrey: "Survey", i Land and Environmental Art, ed. Kastner/ Wallis, Phaidon, 1998, 18-43 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871) 

*From Robert Smithson: The Collected Writings, Ed. Jack Flam, University of California, 1996 “A sedimentation of the mind. Earth Projects, 100-114, "Spiral Jetty", 1972, 143 –153, (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871) 

*"Robert Smithson on Duchamp", interview with Moira Roth, 310-313 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 2 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 070871)                                                                                 



*De Duve, Thierry: "Joseph Beuys or The Last of the Proletarians", October 45, MIT Press 1988, 47-62 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)

*Kuspit, Donald: "Joseph Beuys. Between Showman and Shaman", in Thistlewood, David (ed.): Joseph Beuys. Diverging Critiques. Liverpool 1995, 27-51 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)


*Borer, Alain: "A Lament for Joseph Beuys", in The Essential Joseph Beuys. Massachusetts 1997, 11-34 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)

*Buchloh, Benjamin: "Twilights of the Idol. Preliminary Notes for a Critique." Artforum, Vol. 18/5, Januar 1980, 35-43 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)                                                                                                                                                    

*Kuoni, Carin (ed.):” Energy Plan for the Western Man.” Joseph Beuys in America. New York, 19-57 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)



*Koch, Gertrud: "The Richter-Scale of Blur", in October 62, MIT Press 1992, 133-140 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)                                                                                                                

*Osborne, Peter: "Painting Negation: Gerhard Richter's Negatives", in October 62, MIT Press 1992, 103-111 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)                                             


*From Hans Ulrich Obrist (red.): Gerhard Richter. The Daily Practice of

Painting; Writings and Interviews 1962-1993. London, 1995

Interview with Benjamin D.H. Buchloh, 132-166 (Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)                                                                                                          



*Mulvey, Laura, ”A Phantasmagoria of the Female Body: The Work of Cindy Sherman”, i New Left Review, no. 188, July/August, 1991, 137-150 (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)                                                       

*Krauss, Rosalind, Cindy Sherman 1975-1993, New York: Rizzoli, 1993, 17-195  (26 pages of text in all, the rest are images) (Kompendium: Del 2 av 2, EAN-nr. 9028220 070888)   


Foster, Hal (1996), 136-168

*Jones, Amelia, ”Tracing the Subject with Cindy Sherman”, in Cindy Sherman: Retrospective, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997, 33-53 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)                                          

*Jones, Amelia, Body Art. Performing the Subject, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998, 151-185 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)                                                                                                       

*Crimp, Douglas, ”Pictures”, in: Brian Wallis (ed.) Art After Modernism, New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1984, 175-187 (Kompendium: Supplerende tekster, del 3 av 3, EAN-nr. 9028220 141960)

Publisert 5. okt. 2018 10:04 - Sist endret 5. okt. 2018 10:04