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(Anbefalt anmeldelse av F. Fehrenbach tilgjengelig p?:

Erwin Panofsky: Renaissance and renascences in Western art, 1972, New York: Icon Editions. 1-42; 162-210. Antall sider: 90.

Barkan, Leonard: Unearthing the Past: archaeology and aesthetics in the making of Renaissance culture, 1999, New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, s. 1-67. Antall sider: 67.

Belting, Hans, Florence & Bagdad. Renaissance Art and Arab Science, overs. D. L. Schneider, Cambridge, Mass. og London: Harvard University Press, 2011, 13-35; 211-222, 173-185. Antall sider: 45.

Shearman, John, Only connect...: art and the spectator in the Italian Renaissance, 1992, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 149-91. Antall sider: 42.


Samt ett av f?lgende oversiktsverk over veggdekorasjoner eller tilsvarende:


Lavin, Marilyn Aronberg: The Place of Narrative: Mural Decoration in Italian Churches, 431-1600, 1990, Chicago: University of Chicago. S. 99-239. Antall sider: 138.


Roettgen, Steffi, The flowering of the Renaissance : 1470-1510, 1997,

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Publisert 13. okt. 2015 15:05 - Sist endret 30. okt. 2015 09:58