
Renessansens billedkunst i Roma og Firenze ca. 1420-1520

F?r kursstart b?r alle kj?pe og lese enten Hartt, F. / Wilkins, G. D.: History of Italian renaissance art, (6 utg.) N.J. 2006. eller Paoletti, T.J. / Radke, M.G.: Art in renaissance Italy, (3dje utg.), London 2006 for ? f? oversikt over de sentrale monumenter i italiensk renessansekunst.

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Generelt pensum: Velg enten:

Hartt, F. / Wilkins, G. D.: History of Italian renaissance art, (6 utg.) N.J. 2006. eller Paoletti, T.J. / Radke, M.G.: Art in renaissance Italy, (3dje utg.), London 2006 De relevante kapitler om Roma og Firenze.

Spesielt pensum som finnes tilgjengelig i Unipub kompendium:

Hall, Marcia B.: Color and meaning, Cambridge 1992, Kap 3, 4: s. 92-109; 123-129; 137-142.=28s

Aronberg Lavin, M.: The place of narrative, London 1990 Kap 7, 8: s.195-236. = 41s

Edgerton Jr, S.Y. : The renaissance rediscovery of linear perspective, London 1975. Kap. 3, 4:s.32-63=31 s.

Sinding-Larsen, S.: A re-reading of the Sistine Ceiling, Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia, vol. IV (1969), s.143-157. = 14 s.

Seymour, C. Jr.: Michelangelo The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, London 1972. s.175-226= s.68-97 =29.

Sandstr?m, S.: The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, i Levels of unreality, Uppsala 1963, s.173-186; 189-191; figs. 83, 87-94=23s.

Freedberg, S. J.: Michelangelo:The Sistine Ceiling, i Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence, London 1972: s.92-112= s.20s

Hood,W.: Nature and grace in the art of Fra Angelico, i Fra Angelico at San Marco, London 1993. Kap. 12: s.255-273; s.320-322= 21s

Shearman, J.: Chiostro dello Scalzo, i Andrea del Sarto, b. 1, London 1965. Kap. 4: s.52-74: plates 22a-24,31,41-43,51-53,64-65,86-89,109,117-119, 131,138- 140= 46s (22+24)

Joost-Gaugier, L.C.:The School of Athens, i Raphael`s Stanza dell Segnatura, London 2002. Kap.7: s.81-114, 205-222= 50 s.

Ahl, C.D.: Masaccio and the Brancacci Chapel, i The Cambridge Companion to Masaccio, ed. D.C.Ahl, London 2002. Kap. 7: s.138-157, 252-259=26s.

Cadogan, K.J.: Noble, worthy, exquisite, and decorative paintings: the narratives, i Domenico Ghirlandaio. Artist and artisan, London 2002. Kap. 3: s.66-101, 393-398= 40s.

Kent, D.: The Chapel in the heart of the Palace: A microcosm of Medici patronage, i Cosimo De`Medici and the florentine renaissance, London 2000. Kap. 13: 305-328, 478-485.=30s

Parks, R. N.: On the meaning of Pinturicchio’s Sala dei Santi, i Art History,vol. 2 (1978), s.291-320= 30s.

Marchand, E.: Monastic Imitatio Christi: Andrea del Castagno’s Cenacolo di S.Apollonia, i Artibus et historiae, 47/24 (2003), s.31-50= 20s

Borsook, E.: The mural painters of Tuscany, London 1980, s. 117-126; ill. 141-153.

Roettgen, S.: Palazzo Vaticano. Sistine Chapel, The flowering of the renaissance, 1470-1510, London 1997, s. 82-100; ill.,101-125.

Kliemann, S. /Rohlmann, M.: High renaissance and mannerism, 1510-1600, London 2004, s. 124-142, 146: ill., s. 147-173.

Litteratur for konsultasjon av kunstnere og gode illustrasjoner:

The dictionary of art, vols 1-34, Grove, London 1996.

Italian frescoes: High renaissance and mannerism, 1510-1600, red . Kliemann J. / Rohlmann, M., New York 2004.

Italian frescoes: The early renaissance, ed. Roettgen, S., New York 1996.

Italian frescoes: The flowering of the renaissance, ed. Roettgen, S., New York 1997.

Scala-forlaget i Firenze utgir en serie billedb?ker "The Great Masters of Art", som har gode fargereproduksjoner av renessansekunst.

Publisert 15. mai 2013 12:44 - Sist endret 15. mai 2013 12:44