
Estetikkens historie

Beardsley, Monroe C: Aesthetics from Classical Greece to , 1991 (1966). . Tuscaloosa and London (The University of Alabama Press) . Kapitlene II. Plato til og med X, Romanticism (s. 30-280).

Berys Gaut og Dominic McIver Lopes (ed.): The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, New York 2001. s.87-167.


Minor, Vernon Hyde : Art History's History, 2001. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall.

Videre leses f?lgende tekster, samlet i et kompendium:

Gombrich, E. H.: "Meditations on a Hobby Horse or the Roots of Artistic Form". I: Meditations on a Hobby Horse, London (Phaidon Press Ltd.) 1963 (s. 1-11).

Schapiro, Meyer: "Style". I: Kroeber, A. L. (ed.): Anthropology Today, Chicago 1953 (s. 287-312).

Kristeller, P. O.: "The Modern System of the Arts. A Study in the History of Aesthetics", I: Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 12, New York 1951 (s. 496-527) og vol. 13, New York 1952 (s. 17-46).

Platon: Staten, 1989. Oslo (Dreyer) . Fra X. bok (s. 437-459)..

Aristoteles: Om diktekunsten, 1989. Oslo (Dreyer). I-IV (s. 25-38).

Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture, New York (Dover Publications) 1960. Utdrag fra: Bok I (s. 5-17, 38-41); Bok III (s. 72-75); Bok IV (s. 102-113).

Leonardo da Vinci: "Paragone". I: Richter, Jean Paul (ed.): The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci, London (Phaidon Press Ltd.) 1970. Avsnittene 1-37.

Kant, Immanuel: Kritikk av d?mmekraften: "Kunsten og geniet". I: Agora, 7. ?rg., nr. 2-3, Oslo 1989 (s. 66-82).

Hegel, G. W. F.: Aesthetics or the Philosophy of Fine Art: "The Idea of Artistic Beauty or the Ideal". I: Paolucci, Henry (ed.): Milestones of Thought; Hegel: On the Arts, New York (Frederick Unger Oublishing Co.) 1979, (s. 1-10).

Samt f?lgende tekststeder i:

Kearney, Richard og Rasmussen, David, Continental Aesthetics - From Romanticism to Postmodernism, Malden og Oxford 2001:

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tradegy, s.143-159

Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, s.166-177

Heidegger, The Origin of the Work of Art, 182-199

Theodor Adorno, Aesthetic Theory s.242-252

Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Eye and Mind, s.288-304

Michel Foucault, This Is Not a Pipe, s.374-385

Publisert 7. mars 2005 16:42