Hibbard, H: Bernini, Harmondsworth 1991 (og senere utg.). 250 s.
Gardner: Art through the Ages, (12. utgave) . Orlando Fl . 12. utgave: kap. 24 ( s.689-746) og kap. 28 ( s.796-827).
Watkin, David: A History of Western Architecture, 3 rd ed. , London 2000. Ch 7. 80 s.
?stby, Leif: Norges Kunsthistorie, Oslo 1977. s.71-101. 30 s.
Martin, John R: Baroque, Harmondsworth 1991 . 250 s.
Perry,Gill: Gender and Art, London 1999. Introduction: Gender and Art History, s. 8-31; Part 1: Made in Her Image: Women, Portraiture and Gender in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, s. 33-85 . 60 s.
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